Family Reunion

Sliders Fan Script

by Ashe P. Kirk

Episode 10 of my "Season 6 in the 2020s" series


Cover Artwork for Family Reunion

Previously on Sliders


Fine, I've been distant.


It's because you love Quinn, isn't it?


Your Mom deserves to see you happy before she goes.

Quinn Double

Oh, you're a newbie? Welcome to Quinn Francisco!


So, it's been a long time, hasn't it?

Mayor Mallory

You seemed surprised to see one of our faces in charge around here.


I always thought of myself as the Quinn consolation prize.


Okay man, we need to have a chat later.


You just doomed Quinn Francisco, Echo.


Stop calling me that. --

-- I'd never put all those people in such imminent danger, because I'm not like you at all. --

-- I'm much worse.


Bravo shouldn't give us any more trouble, at least for now. -- Last thing he remembers was sliding for the first time.


You're really here.


Are you...?


Yeah, it's me.


Listen, I spent my captivity drawing up some plans you might want. It should make Colin's existence a little less... horrible.


I'd appreciate that.


You wouldn't be interested in helping to rebuild this place? Make it a little more welcoming?


I'll consider it. But for now, I've got a wedding to plan.

Act One

Int. Medical Research Facility: Cubicle - Day

A medical research lab filled with women in lab coats bustles with life.

While the majority are ladies, a scant few men do walk among them.

One cubicle contains a woman of around 26, brown hair and intelligent eyes - Lani Hills. She types numbers into a spreadsheet, referring back to an MRI scan on the desk.

A woman, Shweta, peers over the cubicle wall and down at Lani.


Lani, how are the figures looking?


(eyes on computer)

Couple more treatments and there should be full remission.


That's fantastic!

I bet Doctor Rutger is so steamed that an assistant cracked the twinning algorithm before she did.

She holds out a fist, and Lani bumps it with her own, bashfully.


I guess so. She's put me on grunt work ever since.


You just know she's going to be taking all the credit.

Lani shrugs.


I don't really care about all that. I'm just glad we're saving lives.



Oh, she's so humble!

Shweta walks away, amused.

Lani returns to her work, but grabs a paper bag from under the desk, and opens it to reveal a muffin, which she begins to eat. The bag is labelled with a logo: "Mrs Hills Bakery."

Int. [Earth Prime] Kelly Welles's Residence: Kitchen - Day

The last time we saw Kelly Welles Prime, she was bringing Rembrandt groceries. Now, she enters her kitchen carrying a stack of mail, and there's a small package in the pile, which hasn't been addressed, but delivered directly to her mailbox.

Curiously, she opens it up to find a letter accompanied by a timer, which is ticking down from 9 days, 3 hours, and 46 seconds.

Recognising what this is, she hurriedly opens the accompanying envelope.

She reads the letter, and her expression turns to shock and incomprehension.

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Entryway - Day

The Entryway looks the same as ever, except that in a corner of the room is a 4-foot diameter metal plate, with an 8-foot arch over it: one of many electro-magnetic enclosures that are now scattered through the house.

The vortex opens by the front door, as it has so many times before, and Michael Mallory steps out gingerly onto the marble floor.

He peers around the empty room, a little deflated that nobody is there to greet him.


(calling out)

Knock knock? Anyone home?

In response, the enclosure hums to life, filling with blue light. Michael looks at it in curiosity.

Then, a figure materialises in the field. It's Colin. Upon seeing Michael, his face lights up.

Michael walks to the enclosure, his eyes welling up.


Hi... Dad. Nice to finally meet you.

Michael extends an arm to the edge of the field.


I wouldn't touch that...

But it's too late; his fingertips are met with an electrical shock, and he pulls away.





I'm a... thorny rose bush. Look, but don't touch.


I thought for so long you were dead, Colin. I just wish I could hug you.

Colin sighs, shrugging.


Me too.


You can only exist in this tiny machine?


Well, thanks to the combined ingenuity of Diana, Charlie, and Quinn, I have had my range extended a bit. There are a number of these pods set up around the house, and I can jump from one to the other at the push of a button.


And he rigged up a whole guesthouse for me. I have my own toilet!



I'm glad they've worked out how to keep you grounded, even if it's not under the most independent of circumstances.


It's far better than my life before, even if it does sometimes feel like captivity. Perhaps some day they'll figure out a better way.

Quinn (O.S.)


Michael and Colin look towards the stairs. Quinn is descending them rapidly.


Morning, son!

He crosses the room and meets Quinn at the bottom of the stairs, and the two men hug.



I was hoping to be there when you two finally met.


Sorry brother, I couldn't wait.


So, I received your invitation. Congratulations.


There's a lot of friends and family to wrangle from different Earths. Lucky for us, we have a surplus of timers now. Thanks, by the way.


Don't thank me, thank all your doubles.


I don't know Wade very well, but the two of you seem quite smitten.


Whatever happened with you and Maggie? I seem to remember some chemistry there.

Quinn cringes.


There's a conversation I've been avoiding.


I was inside Mallory for the whole time they were married. In a way, it was like I was married to her, too. But we haven't talked about it since...


You really should clear the air before your wedding day.



Yeah, I guess so.

Just now, Cole appears from the left side hall.


Ooh, "clear the air?" What kind of juicy gossip have I walked in on?

They see Michael.



Cole hurries to him and wraps their arms around him.


Cole, it's good to see you as boisterous as ever.


Are you staying until the wedding?


No no, I'm only here for today to see Colin. I have council duties to attend to during the week. But I will be back here for the wedding.



Oh, okay.

(at Quinn)

Everyone got their invites?


I've invited who I can think of from Earth Prime, Wade's world, and here. The whole family.

Upon this last statement, he hesitates, as if he's just remembered something.

Cole catches this.


What was that look?


(shaking his head)

It's nothing. I was just remembering a slide a long time ago when I... may or may not have... fathered a child.

Cole's jaw drops.


I could have a sibling and you never told me?!

Cole punches him in the arm, then it occurs to them:


Wait, with who?


Look, it was a long time ago. We were on a world where the male population was extremely low. Sperm was hard to come by, and I owed someone a favour...

Cole grins widely in amusement.



You dog!


Do you think there's any way of finding them?


Quinn Francisco or the Quinn Squad may have data on that world...

Cole's eyes light up.


Let's go!

Quinn shakes his head.


Nah. There's only a minor chance she even conceived a child at all.

And even if we found the right world, can you imagine some random stranger coming up to you and saying: "Hey! I'm your long lost Dad from a parallel world and you're invited to my wedding! Well, see ya!"



Hmm, I guess you're right.

Cole stares into space. We can see they have not let go of this idea just yet.

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Living Room - Day

Mallory lies on the sofa under a blanket, sleeping. It looks like he spent the whole night here. His feet poke out the end of the blanket.

Quinn wanders in the room, and sees him there. He sits down beside him.

Mallory doesn't stir, so Quinn pokes a finger into his foot a couple of times.


(eyes still closed)

Stop that.


Maggie kick you out of the bed again?

Mallory sits up, looking glum.





I'm sorry, man. Is there anything I can do?



Can you make Maggie stop being in love with you?

Quinn blanches.


She... she is?


How have you not noticed? I thought you were supposed to be perceptive!


Who, me? I don't notice stuff like that! Do you know how long it took me to pick up on Wade's signals?


Both Wades.

Mallory holds a palm to his forehead, and shakes his head.


Okay, well Maggie has always been in love with you. The only reason she married me was because you were a part of me. And now that you're not there, our relationship is falling apart.

Quinn processes this with great concern.


I'm sorry. I didn't know this was all because of me.


I'll talk to her.

Mallory stands up, folding up his blanket.


I'd appreciate that.


Wait, before you go.

He stands, and looks at Mallory seriously.


I spent long enough in your head to know all your complex feelings towards me, and I know you've always felt judged against my accomplishments, and it isn't fair.


I get that you never chose any of what's happened, and it isn't your fault that the two of us are constantly compared.


I just need you to know that you're worthy of love, and that you should measure your value by your own standards, not anyone else.

You're a good guy, Quinn, whether Maggie sees that or not.


You called me Quinn...


That's your name.


I've met so many Quinns lately that I'm starting to feel like everyone's called Quinn.


And yet you're the only one who everyone calls Quinn.


Not entirely true. I'm also "Q-ball."


Maybe that can be your new code name in the Quinn Squad.


Yeah, that could work. If I take up their offer.

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Guest Room - Day

Rembrandt sits on the edge of his bed. In one hand is a pill, and in the other, a glass of water.

He swallows the pill, and is washing it down when there's a knock on the open door. Rembrandt turns to see Wade standing in the doorway.


(evading her gaze)

Oh, hey.


How's the treatment coming along?

Rembrandt puts the glass down on the side table.


No radical change so far. Just feelin' numb all the time. Which I guess is better than bein' emotionally unstable.

Thing is, I can't even cry now. And I'm the Cryin' Man! Crying is my whole thing!

Wade sits on the bed next to him.


These things take time. I had to process a lot of grief about Quinn, after he was brain damaged. I was in therapy for years. Still on anxiety medication.

But, even before I got him back, I managed to find my way out of the worst of it. I know you will too.

She takes his hand.



Oh man, you really are just like her.


So I've heard. Sorry if my presence is causing you pain.



It's alright. None o' this is your fault. It's not fair to you that I keep talking about her, when you're your own person, y'know?

He looks her in the eye, and lingers there for a moment, before looking away.


New eye contact record.

Wade smiles, and puts an arm around his shoulders.

Int. [SW] Colin's Guesthouse: Bathroom - Day

Bathed in blue light, the small guesthouse is Colin's respite from the world. It's like a very expensive self-contained cabin or hotel room.

The bathroom is spacious, and Colin sits, relaxing on the toilet, hands behind his head and eyes closed, looking blissed out.

Then, a knock at the front door makes his eyes open.

Int. [SW] Colin's Guesthouse: Open Plan Kitchen / Living - Day

The sound of a toilet flushing can be heard, and Colin comes out of the bathroom, shaking his hands dry.

He goes to the front door and opens it. In the doorway stands Diana.



Ah, it's you. Hang on.

He steps back to a control panel on the wall, and pushes a button, which shrinks the magnetic field, opening up an area from the door to a sofa that isn't bathed in blue.

He moves to a recliner on the opposite side of the room, as Diana enters and sits.


Thanks, Colin.


To what do I owe the pleasure?


I've come to ask you...


If I'm ready to forgive you?


I wouldn't put it like that exactly, but... yes.

Colin reclines his chair thoughtfully.


It's true you've improved my life considerably, but then again, it was you and your boss who ruined it to begin with.

Diana looks at the floor.


On the other hand, you took my words seriously, and you accomplished amazing things as a result.

He pauses, dragging out the moment.



Hmm. Hmmmm.

He clicks his tongue a few times. Diana looks incredibly uncomfortable.

Colin's mouth curls into a sudden smile as he meets her eye.


Oh, what the hey.

He stands up and holds up his hand like a holy man.


Congratulations, Diana, you are hereby absolved.

Diana exudes relief as she also stands.


Thank you, Colin. This means the world to me.


And I wanted you to be the first to know...

I've decided to join up with Charlie at the facility. As a side project, we're going to see if we can figure out a non-destructive way to tether you to one Earth.

Colin smiles at her.


That's wonderful.

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Entryway - Day

Quinn opens the door excitedly, and lets in Arturo followed by both Missus Mallorys. Missus Mallory Prime, wearing a hospital wrist band and an a medical alert necklace around her neck, is now in a wheelchair being pushed by Arturo's wife.


(greeting each)




He gives each of his mothers a hug.

Missus Mallory Prime

Amanda and I were just talking about your suit for the wedding. Are you sure you wanted the blue pocket square?

Missus Mallory EDP

We just think you'd look nicer with the red.

Quinn shares a look with Arturo.



I'll wear whatever you think is best. But Wade has to agree to it too, okay?


Come now, Amandas. No need to railroad the boy immediately upon arrival.

He hobbles off towards the living room.

Quinn gives the Moms a shrug as he follows.

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Living Room - Day

Arturo takes a seat on the sofa, and Quinn leans against a wall as his mothers come in. Mom EDP helps Mom Prime onto the sofa.


You two have really bonded, huh?

Missus Mallory Prime

Seems we have a lot in common.

Missus Mallory EDP

Like a son, for one.


Speaking of which...

Quinn looks over to the window overlooking the poolside. Michael can be seen on a beach recliner, basking in the sun.

Quinn walks over to the window and knocks on it. He gestures for his father to come inside.


He really enjoys your company, you know?

Missus Mallory Prime

Really? Even though I pretended you were dead?

Quinn has no answer for this, so he just makes a face and shrugs.

Int. [SW] University: Lecture Theater - Day

Cole sits in a seat next to Anna, among a class full of other students.

In the front of the class stands Professor Charlotte Harper, an older woman with high intellect but poor interpersonal skills.


As you may know, if you've been refreshing your student results page on your phones instead of listening to my lecture, some of you did remarkably well on your exams. Those that did not had better hope your research papers can bring up your GPA.


You're dismissed. Make sure those papers are in my inbox by midnight.

The class stands, and most of the students start to leave. Cole lingers behind, with Anna keeping beside them.

Harper sits down at her desk, and starts shuffling through papers. Cole approaches her, pulling a document wallet out of her bag. They hand to her.

Harper looks up.


Oh, thank you Cole. But I do need a digital copy.


Already in!

Harper smiles, impressed.


I look forward to reading this and finally getting a detailed account of the story behind the unfathomable readouts in my lab the other month.

Cole shifts uncomfortably on their feet.


I have a confession to make.

Anna starts backing away and looks for somewhere to stand that won't draw ire.

Harper raises an eyebrow.


Could it be that a few weeks ago, you got Anna to let you in to the labs, pilfered all my neural bridging equipment, and then later tried to put everything back as it was, but failed miserably?

Cole looks like a deer in headlights.



Um. Yes?


Cole, I let you get away with many things because of who your family is. I don't like it, but I assume you must have had a very important reason to do what you did.

Cole nods.


I added that reason as an appendix to my assignment. It's going to sound pretty bananas, but...

Harper sighs heavily.


I'm sure it is. Off you go.

Int. [SW] University: Corridor - Day

Students come and go as we follow Cole and Anna down the hall.


So. I just found out I might have a long lost sibling.

Anna's eyes widen.




Quinn was a, uh, "sperm donor" once on some world low on men.


Wait, I remember that episode of the show. There was nothing about him fathering a kid, though. Maybe the Seer thought that was a little intimate.


I wanna find 'em.


Wait, how would you even begin to do that?


How do you think? Just need to get my hands on a timer and I can ask people who might know.


Oh my god, you have to take me. I know that episode inside and out. I could help!

Cole grins.


I was hoping you'd volunteer. We just need to follow Grandpa back to Quinn Francisco tonight.

Anna can't contain her smile.

Ext. [SW] Private Firing Range - Day

Deep in the Mallory property lies a firing range where Maggie stands, rifle in hand and earmuffs on. She points the weapon towards a target in the distance, and fires a few shots, which all hit the middle region of the target.

Behind her, Quinn emerges from the treeline.

Due to the earmuffs, she doesn't hear him coming, and jumps when he taps her on the shoulder.


(removing the muffs)

Jeez Quinn, don't sneak up on a woman holding a high calibre semi-automatic rifle.


Sorry. I would have called out, but you probably wouldn't have heard with those things on.


Listen, we need to talk.


And you couldn't wait until I was finished pumping a target full of bullets?


I just needed a one-on-one. Thing is, I've been hearing you might... have feelings for me?

He looks at her with worry. She responds with an eye roll.


Dammit Mallory! Look, I don't want to burden you with our marital problems.


You're not denying it...


Yes, okay, fine! Is that what you want to hear? We lived a damn lifetime in that bubble universe, how can I just ignore that?

Quinn gives her a grim smile.



I know. I've spent two long marriages with you. Even if I couldn't talk to you for one of them.



And then you just proclaimed your love for Wade and we've barely talked since.

Quinn sits down on the grass, looking out into the trees.


That was an inherited trait from my convergence... but it's real. I just figured you were happily married and that my departure wouldn't make a difference to that. But it seems I was wrong.


I do have feelings for you too, but my heart belongs to Wade. What she went through for me, I can't adequately describe.

Maggie sits beside him.


I get it. I'm not going to ask you to give her up for me.


I just don't know what to do. I don't feel for Mallory what I used to. And I... have itchy feet. I crave... adventure.



You want to go back to sliding?


Are you kidding me? Of course I do. The best years of my life were spent in mortal danger, by your side.

Quinn mulls this over.


Maybe you could talk to Alfa and Charlie about work?


You realise by going to work with them, I'd effectively be separating from Mallory.


Maybe some time apart could be good for you both? You wouldn't have to divorce, necessarily.

Frankly I think he needs some time to find himself, too.


Not that I want to be a homewrecker or anything.


No, our home was already pretty wrecked.

Maggie thinks for a moment, a smile tickling at her mouth.


Joining the military again, huh?

She looks at her firearm resting on its cradle.


Even though I left it, it never fully left me, did it?

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Entryway - Night

The crowd of current residents of the mansion, along with some extras, enter the entryway from the direction of the dining room, chatting and laughing.

Michael walks with Quinn, who pushes Mom Prime’s wheelchair. Maggie and Mallory walk with a distance from each other. Cole and Anna walk together, sharing a knowing look.

Rembrandt and Arturo walk together, and Wade walks next to Diana, talking as if they have bonded somewhat recently.

In the corner, Colin materialises in the machine.


That was a lovely dinner.

(looking from Mallory to Maggie)

Thank you to my hosts.


Well, as much as I’d like to claim credit, we have a cook on retainer.


Well, give them my compliments.

He looks down at his timer.


Looks like it’s about time to leave. I’ll see you all on Saturday.

He gives Quinn a brisk hug, and kisses the hands of both Missus Mallorys. He crosses to Colin.


Colin, I only hope that some day you’ll be able to get out of this thing.


Me too. Goodbye, father.


Bye, son.

Cole and Anna hold hands as the vortex opens.

Michael walks into the portal, and Cole steps forward, pulling Anna.

They look at Quinn, Mallory, and Maggie.


(rapidly, no pauses)

Hey we’re going back with Grandpa okay bye!

The two young people race to the wormhole and jump in, leaving everyone speechless as it closes.

Arturo breaks the silence.


...Carpe diem?

Maggie and Mallory both look at Quinn.



I’m sure they’ll be fine?


(to Mallory)

They get that youthful impulsivity from you, you know.


Hey, I...


Okay, that’s fair.


(looking at Quinn)

Maybe not entirely from you.

End of Act One

Act Two

Ext. [QF] Michael Mallory's Residence: Courtyard - Night

Michael lands without incident on the tiles, and continues walking towards his front door, until he hears the stowaways falling onto the ground before the vortex closes.

He turns to see Cole and Anna smiling awkwardly at him.





If you wanted to come back here, you could have just asked me.


It's a secret mission!


Alright then, come inside and we can talk about it. I'll keep my lips sealed, assuming it's nothing outrageous.


Thanks, Pops.

They follow him towards the door.

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Dining Room - Night

Mallory and Maggie are clearing empty plates from the table. Maggie looks like she's trying to work up the courage to say something.

Finally, she puts a stack of plates at the end of the table and looks at him.


Mallory, what would you say if we had... a break?

He looks at her as if he's been waiting for this conversation.


You mean, a break... up?


No, no. Not unless, after a while, we decide that's for the best.


So would one of us be movin' out, or...?


I'm thinking of going to work with the Quinn Squad. For a little while.

Mallory's eyes go wide, but he's largely calm.


I see.


More Quinns for your buck over there, huh?


What? No, it's nothing like that. I don't even know those Quinns.


Doesn't our Quinn have a standing offer to join them too? You sure you aren't doing this just to spend time with him?


This isn't about Quinn, okay! I just feel so isolated here. Sliding was tough, but I miss the adventure. Even if Quinn doesn't accept his offer, I want to try.



I'm so tired of arguing. Fine, go do whatever it is you want to do.

He takes his stack and moves to leave the room.


Wait. I'm worried about you, Mallory.


Me? Why would you worry about me?


I need you to promise me you'll get therapy or something. Please.


You think all this is because of my problems?


No! That's not it at all. I just want you to work on your self-esteem, okay?

Mallory sighs and heads for the door.


I'll think about it.

Ext. [QF] City Hall - Day

A flying taxi descends to the front of the steps, and Cole and Anna get out.

Anna is wide-eyed and nervous, while Cole is merely smiling broadly.

The taxi driver, who is a Rembrandt double, waves, and leaves.


(watching the taxi fly off)

This place is bananas.


Right? I didn't get a chance to explore last time, but I'm not passing up that chance this time.

(turning to the steps)

But first, we have work to do.

Int. [QF] City Hall: Rotunda - Day

Cole and Anna enter, and find themselves being scanned by the Maggie Guards.

Maggie Guard #1

(checking her reading)

Oh, offspring of Quinn one-four-seven-one with traces of Quinn one-eight, and an unregistered Maggie. Lucky her.

(making eye contact with Cole)

I hear your Pa and company were instrumental in taking down Bravo. Nice job dealing with that jackoff.

Cole beams.


You could say I played a pivotal role.

Maggie Guard #1

(looking at Anna)

And who's this?



I'm Anna. No relation to a Quinn.


She's just my friend I've brought along for the ride. She also helped with the operation.

Maggie Guard #2

Well, welcome to the city. You two been to the Orientation Center yet?

Cole holds up their handbook.


Sure have!

Maggie Guard #1

What can we help you with at City Hall, kids?



Do you... um... have records of different worlds we could browse or search? We're looking for a specific one that may contain my long lost sibling.

Maggie Guard #2

We do, but you'll need an access code from the Mayor. I'm sure he'll be happy to give you an audience.

Int. [EDP] Military Facility: Operations Room - Day

Delta sits alone, waiting. He wears a prisoner jumpsuit, but isn't restrained. His hands are clasped on the table.

The door opens, and Alfa enters, followed by Charlie.


Morning, Delta.

Delta nods in greeting.




Have you decided what to do with me yet?

Charlie and Alfa glance at one another.


You're... our friend, right?


I always thought so.


But you still took Bravo's word for it when he locked me up...

Delta nods grimly.


I guess I just... let myself be used, out of convenience.

Charlie looks down.



You're not the only one, man. I helped design and build that stupid machine and it never registered with me that it might actually be used.


Difference is, you actually saw the error of your ways before it was too late.


Is it too late for you?

Delta thinks for a moment.


I hope not. I wanna make things right.

Charlie smiles at this.


Then, we want to offer you that chance. But you need to think for yourself. I think your mind is going underutilised.



Is that an... order?

Charlie pulls out his phone, which is vibrating. He glances at it.


Oh, it's a message from Diana. She wants to talk?


Alright, we'll go see her.

Int. [QF] City Hall: Mayor's Office - Day

The doors of the office swing open, revealing Cole and Anna being shuffled in by Quinn-943. Anna is having trouble taking her eyes off him. He's just giving off such terrifying vibes.

Mayor Mallory stands from his desk.

Mayor Mallory

Good morning. What a pleasure to see some new faces.

(to Cole)

So, you're Quinn one-four-seven-one's... daughter?



Uhh, just "kid." I'm non-binary. And umm...


I'm like the kid of two Quinns that were sharing a body combined at the cellular level, so I don't know that either one is necessarily the dominant father in that situation, but I dunno.


My name's Cole.

Mayor Mallory

(slightly confused)

Cole it is, then.


I'm Anna. Anna Horowitz.

Mayor Mallory

Hi, Anna. I'm fairly sure you're the first of your kind to show up here. So congratulations, you're Anna One.

Anna blushes.

Mayor Mallory

So, you're after a records room pass?


Dad-- Quinn one-eight, is getting married and I want to surprise him with his long lost child who may or may not exist. I want to find 'em.

Mayor Mallory


Alright. Well, we only have data on worlds that residents here have volunteered information on, and some of the records are incomplete. But, I'm happy for you to take a look.

He goes to his computer on his desk and types a few things. Then he grabs a pen and post-it note pad and writes down:


He pulls it off, and hands it to Cole.

Mayor Mallory

Here's your temporary access code. Expires in six hours.


Thanks Dad--

They cringe as they realise what they just said.

Mayor Mallory just gives a light chuckle.

Mayor Mallory

It's alright. I admit you bear a striking resemblance to my daughter.

Cole smiles at this.

Int. [QF] City Hall: Records Room - Day

The lights come on in the records room. It's merely a small round room with a single computer terminal in the middle.


Oh wow, I was expecting filing cabinets or archive boxes.


Well, it's our lucky day, I guess. Fully searchable database.

Cole moves to the terminal, which displays a password field. They enter the code given to them, and the screen updates to be a query form.


Okay... World ID, no idea. Climate... normal? Political situation... oh boy.


Here, allow me.

Cole steps aside for Anna.


Political situation as of the mid 90s was US conflict with an Australian hegemony.

Unusual laws... men are placed in breeding facilities rather than allowed freedom.


Women run everything... low population... breeding regarded as patriotic... non-breeding males are considered traitors.

Cole seems to be getting nervous at all this.


Adding in possible 1996 incident involving three so-called escaped patriots... okay, let's see if we have any matches.

She presses Enter on the keyboard and stands back.



Booyah! One match!

Cole rushes over to the screen and reads it, the edges of their lips curling upwards slowly.

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Study - Day

Maggie sits at the desk, waiting.

The door opens, and Diana comes in, leading Alfa and Charlie into the room.




This place is so fancy, I feel underdressed.


It's fine.


(to Diana)

So, what's this about?


As I've told you, I'd like to work with Charlie in the Research Lab.



And you're most welcome to.


I want in too.

Charlie is surprised. Alfa just raised his eyebrows a little.


Last time you were there you didn't seem too pleased about the whole operation.


That was when I was there under duress. Sounds like things are a bit different now.


I'm negotiating with the military over different freedoms to allow, but suffice to say it's going to be a much more welcoming environment.

Maggie leans back in her chair, and puts her feet up on the desk.


Well, maybe you can use someone with a history of both military leadership and sliding.


(to Alfa)

We could pair her up with Delta?


Delta? I thought he was Bravo's goon.


He's no common goon. He was our friend, and he knows he messed up. He wants to make amends.


I'm just as guilty as him for what happened. He deserves as much of a second chance.


But, it could be useful to have someone there to keep an eye on him.

Maggie thinks a moment.


Sure, count me in.


Hope he doesn't have hard feelings towards me for keeping him in his tighty whities.


We also need someone to keep tabs on Bravo. We've briefed the mother of his daughter, Maddy, on the basics of the situation. All you'd have to do is check in on her in secret once a month, to see if he's still... subdued.




Then welcome aboard.

He extends his hand, and she shakes it. Both smile, though Charlie's displays a great deal of giddy excitement as opposed to Maggie's more composed expression.

Int. [QF] Salon - Day

A Quinn double, Hairdresser Quinn, sweeps the floor of his salon as Cole and Anna enter.

Hairdresser Quinn

(putting the broom aside)

Oh, hey there. What can I do for you two?


So, um, my friend here needs a makeover to look as feminine as possible.

Cole smiles awkwardly.


Yeah... can you like, do extensions or something?

Hairdresser Quinn

Sure. But you don't look so sure you want this.


Look, I have to go undercover as a woman, so what I want is not relevant to the issue at hand.

Hairdresser Quinn

Undercover, you say? You headed somewhere interesting?

He pulls out a chair, offering it to Cole. Cole sits.


Interesting, sure. Not so friendly towards anyone who could be confused for a dude.

(whispered to self)

Why does this keep happening to me?


Yeah, Cole doesn't want to end up shipped to Australia for breeding or something.

Hairdresser Quinn



Yeah, the world we're headed to is dominated by Australia... for convoluted reasons.

Hairdresser Quinn

Back on my homeworld, I once went to Australia.

He gets a far off look in his eyes.

Hairdresser Quinn

Those kangaroos... really come out of nowhere on the road.

After a moment of staring into the distance, he comes back to the present, and places a smock around Cole.

Hairdresser Quinn


So, what kind of length are we looking at?

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Living Room - Day

Seated in his own recliner within his enclosure, Colin shifts restlessly, across from Rembrandt and Wade.


There's something that's bothering me about being effectively grounded like this.


Well, you've been hopping around for decades, man. The sudden stop must be pretty jarrin' for you.


Yeah, I suppose.


I like the stability, certainly, but every so often my heart jumps, like I'm about to shift again, even though I know intellectually I won't.


Could be trauma. My shrink is telling me all kinds of physical effects can happen when you have trauma that's built up over time and never processed right.


Maybe we can get Doctor Emmanuel to talk to you too.

Mallory enters from the back door.


Doctor Emmanuel?


My therapist.

Mallory's face turns sour.


Maggie said I need one of those too.


Sounds like all of us are needing some support.


Hey, this is perfect! You should all get together for a support group! Be radically open with your feelings together!

Mallory cringes.


I don't need a pity party, I'll be fine.


I don't know...



You men always need to act so unaffected by everything. Well guess what? Ignoring it is what got you all into this mess, and only through being vulnerable and honest about your feelings can you hope to work through them.

Alfa (O.S.)

She's right, you know.

The group turns to see Alfa in the doorway to the hall.


Uh, sorry. I overheard.


It's Alfa, by the way.


Oh, right. You seemed like you had some troubles too, huh?

Alfa nods sadly.


There you go, four of you makes a good sized support group! You could meet here with Doctor Emmanuel once a week. It'll be great for all of you.


Well, I'm in.



Sure, I guess. If it doesn't conflict with missions.

Wade looks at Colin.


I'll admit that I have nowhere better to be.



Mallory looks sceptically at her.


You really think it'll help?


Yes. It absolutely will, promise.

Mallory sighs.


Okay, fine. I'll give it a chance. But if it's no good then I won't do it again.



Deal. I'll go call her.

Ext. [QF] Golden Gate Park - Dusk

The sky is lit with unusual vibrance as the sun sets on Quinn Francisco. Over the bay, we see the limits of the city fade out to desert, where the climate bubble ends its circle of influence.

In the park, Cole and Anna sit on the grass and watch the sky, licking ice cream cones. Cole has been transformed into a remarkably femme version of themself, with long hair and makeup. Beside them are shopping bags from various women's fashion stores.


I don't think I've ever had so much fun in my life.


It's been pretty amazing.

Anna looks at Cole, appreciating their appearance.


You really look great. Not that you don't normally.



Thanks. It's really not my style. But I'm glad I look convincing.

Anna watches Cole eat the ice cream, and looks on the verge of saying something. But she doesn't.


This is the kind of place I'd like to go on a date some day.

Anna blushes.


Yeah. Pretty romantic.


But who'd even date someone like me? A neutrois asexual who'd rather be mapping neurons than gettin' it on?

Anna sighs. The oblivious nature of Quinn has been passed on to Cole, it seems.


I think you have just the right qualities. You're kind, you're fun, you're great with a screwdriver--

This causes Cole to burst into laughter.



That's the most screwing I suspect I'm willing to do.

Anna joins in the laugh.


Maybe if you look around, there's someone who's already all-in on the Cole train.

Cole stops laughing, and makes pointed, surprised eye contact with Anna.



Anna realises it's now or never.


...I like you, okay?

Cole is speechless for a moment. Then their face changes to an awkward smile.


I... like you too. I think?



You... think?


(trying to articulate)

I... don't know what attraction is supposed to feel like. I don't know what the difference between platonic and romantic love is. I know I have strong feelings towards you, but I don't know if they're just regular BFF feelings or something more. Sorry, that doesn't make much sense, does it?

Anna puts her arm around Cole's shoulder.


It makes enough sense to me. Maybe... we can explore these feelings together?


(a little nervous)



We can take it slow. Nothing sexual on the table, not unless you ever allow it. Just... feelings.

Cole gazes into her eyes, and smiles.


Ah hell, why not?

They share a brief peck on the lips.


Well I'm glad that went okay... otherwise this would have been an awkward trip...

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Dining Room - Night

Arturo, Quinn, Wade, and Alfa sit around the dining table, each with an empty plate in front of them, among others at the table. It's obvious that they've stuck around after dinner has finished.


I have a query, Mister... Alfa.

(to self)

Oh, that won't do.


Just Alfa is fine, really.


Regardless, I need to know the status of my home. The one your people seized.


That was your house? I know it's the address where Quinn grew up. And me, if you count my home world. I thought it was his place.


It may have been once, but I moved in there longer ago than the total time he spent there in his life.

And putting all that aside... all my stuff is there.


It's true. "Mi casa es su casa."


Charlie had a good understanding of what was going on with that. I'll tell him. But I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to move back there.


What happened to wanting to contain sliding tech?


Charlie can cloak your wormholes from our detection system easily enough. I won't tell the President if you don't.


So did Maggie tell you she plans to come work for us?


I had an inkling.


No, really?


So she and Mallory...?


Splitsville. In a manner of speaking.



I see.

Wade looks uncomfortable at this revelation.

Fade to:

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Master Bedroom - Night

Maggie emerges from the ensuite bathroom, wearing a bathrobe, to find Wade sitting on her bed.








Sorry to barge in like this. I just heard about your joining the facility. As you know, Quinn's got an offer with them too.


He does.


Look, I know you have feelings for him. It's been obvious to me since we were in that holding cell in the facility.

Maggie's face drops.


There's no need to worry about me. I'm a soldier, okay?



You do love him though, don't you? As much as I do. Just, the other aspect of him that I never knew.

Maggie sits on her bed.


Of course.


You said you spent a lifetime together in a bubble universe?




Sounds intense.


It was. But, we've talked about it. I know he's all-in on you, and that's all there is to it. I just want to see him happy.


That's all I needed to hear. Thanks, Maggie.

Int. Michael Mallory Residence: Courtyard - Day

Cole, wearing as femme an outfit as we've ever seen them, strides out the front doors, with Anna walking closely behind them. In Cole's hand is Michael's timer.

Michael scurries behind them.


Don't forget I have comms on there. If you get in trouble, notify me. And don't stay up too late. Do you have a jacket?


I'm good, Pops.

They give their grandfather a token hug.


I've set the timer so that it'll take you to your home an hour before the ceremony.


Yes, you've told me that multiple times. Thank you, Grandpa. Now we gotta go!

Cole activates the timer, and the vortex opens. Anna and Cole grab one another's hands.


See ya!

And they disappear into the tunnel.

End of Act Two

Act Three

Int. [SW] Mansion: Quinn and Wade's Guest Room - Day

Quinn lies in bed facing the edge, sleeping soundly.

We see Wade peek over him, and pull him towards her. He stirs, and smiles at her as she kisses him.


Quinn, it's the big day.





What, you got impatient waiting for twenty-three years?


No, I mean, after the first decade they just kinda blend together.

Wade clasps his hand.

Quinn's smile fades for a moment and he looks pensive.


What is it?


Just thinking about Cole and Anna. It's been five days and if Cole's not back to be ringbearer...


Well, if there's one thing I know about a Mallory, it's that you all have impeccable timing, even if you cut it fine. I'm sure they'll be here.

Ext. Mrs Hills Bakery HQ - Day

A taxi pulls up to the large office building in downtown San Francisco. The Mrs Hills logo is on a big sign in the front.

From the cab emerges Cole and Anna, who look up at the building.


We've finally found the place.


We would have found it a lot sooner if we didn't slide right into airport customs without passports.



I can't believe that happened.



Oh, I do. Every time I slide, something bad happens, I swear to god.

The pair head for the entrance.

Int. Mrs Hills Bakery HQ: Reception - Day

Cole and Anna approach a woman, Beverley, working the desk.


(doing their best femme voice)

Hello, my friend and I are looking for someone. Could you help?


Sure, hun. Who you after?




Jane Hills, please.

Beverley looks at them with a raised eyebrow.


You two got an appointment? You do know she's the CEO. Very busy woman.


We don't, but--


Tell her Quinn Mallory's... daughter... wants to talk to her.


Alright, but don't get your hopes up, sweeties.

She picks up her desk phone and taps a couple of buttons.


Yes, hi Sal. Got a couple of young girls here wanna talk to Jane. One says she's Quinn Mallory's daughter? That mean anything to you?

Beverley looks up at Cole.


They're checking.

A quiet moment happens, and Cole turns around to check out the lobby.

On one side, a large acrylic sculpture of a cake slice, with a plaque below.

On the other, a waterfall flows into a small marble pond.


(on phone)

You serious? Okay.

Beverley places the phone handset on her chest.



Go up to level 8 and someone'll be waiting.

Cole and Anna exchange a look of victory.

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Entryway - Day

The quiet room springs to life with two different wormholes on opposite sides of the room.

From one comes Kelly Welles Prime, and from the other, Kelly Welles EDP and her mother, Missus Welles.

The two Kellys stand for a moment, staring at each other.

Kelly Prime

Whoa. M-Mom?

Kelly EDP

Oh my god, I have a twin now!

From the top of the stairs, Wade emerges, hurrying down.



Wade's mother smiles up at her.

Missus Welles

So this is where you've been hiding.

Wade reaches the three, and gives each of her world's family a loving hug.


Sorry, life's been pretty hectic.

She turns to Kelly Prime.




Kelly Prime looks at the double of her sister, and tears fill her eyes.

Kelly Prime

When I saw that invitation I didn't know what to think.

(voice breaking)

I almost didn't come... thought it would be too painful.

Wade looks at her with empathy. She's been through this with Rembrandt.


Remy thought you'd want to meet me. It's been hard for him to look at me, but...

Kelly Prime draws her into a hug.

Kelly Prime


Just shut up. I know you're not my Wade, but I don't care. You can still be my sister.

She looks to Kelly EDP.

Kelly Prime

And so can you.

Kelly EDP smiles broadly, and eyes Kelly Prime's shabby clothing.

Kelly EDP

You look in desperate need of a shopping spree... sis.


Well that'll need to wait because you two need last minute alterations on your bridesmaid dresses. Come on.

Int. Mrs Hills HQ: Conference Room - Day

The conference room is empty except for Cole and Anna who sit side by side at the table, holding hands. Cole checks the timer.


Only 2 and a half hours. We're cutting it so close. Even if she has a kid, they could be anywhere. They could be in Australia for all we know.


Well, even if they are, at least we'll know that much. We won't go home empty-handed.


You're right.

The door of the room opens, and a woman in her sixties enters the room, wearing a suit. It's Jane Hills.



So, which one of you claims to be related to Quinn Mallory?

Cole raises their hand.


That would be me.


And you are?


My name's Cole. I've come... a really long way to find you.

Jane, still eying the two with suspicion, sits across from them at the table.


What do you know about Quinn?



He's a scientist who invented a device that let him pass between different dimensions, and he passed through this one a long time ago.


...And may have left something behind. Like, maybe my sibling?

Jane looks back and forth at the people before her.

Cole holds up their timer.


Look... my Dad's getting married in a few hours and I just thought it might be nice to bring his long lost child to meet him. I'll bring 'em back tomorrow, I promise!


You come to me as a complete stranger and want me to believe you're his daughter just because you know a few details?

Cole fishes their phone out from their pocket. They flip through some photos, and then turn the phone to show Jane several photos of Cole and Quinn.

Jane looks at them, and becomes emotional.


He sure has gotten older...


Time'll do that.

Now, is he your Baby Daddy or not?

Jane nods.


Yes. I had a daughter, Lani.

Cole's eyes light up.


A sister!

Cole high-fives Anna.


How do I know if you take her away, she won't be gone for good like Quinn?


Shouldn't that be her choice to make?


And she won't anyway! The field of sliding has improved dramatically since the nineties. Difference between a brick cell phone and a modern smart phone.

They wave around their own phone in demonstration.

Jane is silent, thinking.


If nothing else, I just want to meet my sister. Please?

Ext. [SW] Secluded Glade - Dusk

The venue for the wedding is a beautiful outdoor garden, seemingly cut off from the world.

A lattice arch entwined with creeping wisteria stands at the far end centre, with rows of pews punctuated by a red carpet running up the middle. Beyond the arch is a view of the sea.

Fairy lights are strung around the glade, making the place seem otherworldly.

The pews are packed with people; with friends and family we've seen near the front, and other, presumably more distant relations, filling out the back.

At the arch, Quinn stands in his suit, looking nervous. One of Colin's pods is off to the side of the altar, and Colin is standing there as Best Man. Standing front and centre is the officiant, an older man in a suit and a reverend's collar.

Quinn begins to pace, and Michael stands from his front row seat beside the two Missus Mallorys to calm his son.


It's alright. Cole will be here.


How do you know they didn't miss the slide back?


The last message I received from them says they'll be here, and that was an hour ago, so unless they somehow missed it at the last second, they'll be okay.


I wish you'd tell me what they were doing all this time.


Sorry, son. Sworn to secrecy.

The fill lights dim, and only the aisle and altar areas are illuminated.


Oh no, it's starting.

Michael pats Quinn on the shoulder.


Relax, okay? This is your day. Let other people worry.

Quinn does his best to compose himself as the music starts.

The guests stand to watch the procession.

First comes Arturo, arms linked with Maggie. They take their place to sides of the altar as groomsman and bridesmaid.

Next is Kelly Prime and Rembrandt, two friends who have finally reconnected.

Then comes Diana and Mallory. As Mallory reaches Quinn, he gives him a pat on the shoulder as he passes. Diana gives a pointed smile towards Colin.

Next comes Kelly EDP, alone as Maid of Honour. She takes her place at the side of the arch with an animated grin, and turns toward the entrance of the glade.

Quinn follows her gaze.

Cole emerges, a victorious grin on their face. Cole wears a tuxedo on top matching the groomsmen, and a billowing skirt underneath that matches the bridesmaid dresses. They carry a plate where the rings are set. Their hair still has the extensions, but it is pulled back into a plait down their back.

They wink at Quinn, who looks extremely relieved to see them.

As Cole continues up the aisle, we see Lani and Anna at the back of the crowd. Lani is staring, open-mouthed, at the scene.

Cole reaches Quinn, and hands him the rings. They lean over to whisper in his ear.



I brought you a present. Talk to me when the ceremony's done.

Quinn watches Cole take their place in the front row of pews, looking satisfied. He just looks confused.

Finally, Wade enters, walking beside her mother, who looks joyful in the way that a mother who spent the better part of 30 years thinking her daughter lost forever must in this kind of moment.

Wade wears a lavish dress and a crown of white flowers on her head. When she sees Quinn, her smile becomes a grin, and so does his. She maintains eye contact with him as she traverses the aisle.

Finally, all parties are in place.

The Officiant addresses the crowd.


Ladies, gentlemen, and those in between.

He meets Cole's eye, and they nod in approval.


Welcome, and please be seated.

The guests sit.


Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to celebrate the marriage of --

(squinting at his notes)

-- Quinn Mallory's... combined... duplicates?

He looks at Quinn, who nods, eyes dancing with amusement.


...And, Wade Welles.


The bride and groom have prepared vows, so please...

He gestures to them to continue.

Wade produces a folded up slip of paper, and reads from it.


Quinn, until recently, I'd given up hope that this day would ever come.

Once, I took care of you twenty-four hours a day, when you weren't able.

I spent nearly every moment of my day with you, but you weren't in a state where we could have the relationship we'd planned. But I never stopped loving you.

I guess the sickness and health part is already sealed, right?


Since you've been healed and restored, I'm more sure than ever that I want to spend every possible moment with you.

I love even the pieces of you that I never knew before.

You may not be exactly the same man I met, but I'm blessed to have the man that now stands before me.

She puts away the paper, and takes Quinn's ring, sliding it onto his finger.

Quinn's eyes are glistening as he takes his turn.


Wade, all I can do is thank you for accepting me as I am.

When I was an overly excited kid who dragged you into a lifetime of trauma because I couldn't wait.

When I was a guy that would have starved if left alone because it didn't occur to me that my hunger pains were trying to tell me something.

Every day you were there to feed me, because you cared about me so much, and you never let me starve.

And then when I became the Quinn who's talking now, still you accepted me, even with all the excess baggage and friends.

You still stayed close to me, through it all.

Even though I came together out of two Quinns, my love for you didn't waver for a second. How could it?

If any Quinn who knew a Wade like you didn't love her, I'd hate to be him.

Quinn's shoulders relax, as he finishes his vows. He takes Wade's wedding ring and slides it onto her finger.

Among the bridesmaids, Maggie is crying, but trying not to make it obvious.

Among the groomsmen, Rembrandt is openly weeping. Mallory awkwardly has an arm around his shoulders.


Do you, Quinn Mallory, take Wade Welles to be your lawfully wedded wife?


I do.


Do you, Wade Welles, take Quinn Mallory to be your lawfully wedded husband?


(voice breaking)

I do.


By the authority vested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you married. You may now share a kiss.

Quinn leans in to Wade, whose arms latch around his neck, and they kiss.

Fade to:

Ext. [SW] Secluded Glade - Dusk

The bride and groom are finishing up signing their marriage certificate, and Cole approaches the table, with Lani hovering behind them.

Quinn looks up.


Who's this?


Oh, only your secret long lost daughter.

Quinn freezes in shock.


This is Lani. Well, that's her nickname. Her full name is Quinlan Mallory Hills.



So that's where you've been.

Wade looks both shocked and delighted at this news.

Quinn stands and extends a hand to Lani. She takes it.


(shaking hands vigorously)

I can't believe it. I never thought I'd get a chance to meet you.


(looking at him in wonder)

Likewise. Until about...

She checks her watch.


An hour and a half ago, when I met Cole.


I'm... a little overwhelmed.


Not an unusual feeling around here. Listen, just relax, go off to the reception with Cole, and I'll talk to you some more there when all the formalities are over with.

(flustered laugh)

You caught me at a busy time.

Lani nods and turns to Cole. Cole leads her away from the table.

Wade stands up beside Quinn as the two siblings head off.


I assume there's a long story behind all this?



You'd be correct.

She kisses him on the cheek.


Can't wait to hear all about it.

End of Act Three

Act Four

Int / Ext [SW] Banquet Hall - Night

In this scene, the focus roves around the room, capturing conversations in snippets.

The room is set out with a series of dining tables around the outside and a stage and dance floor in the centre. On the back wall is the wedding party table. A bar is in one corner.

At the edge of the wedding party's table, an EMF pod is set up complete with small table and chair. As we move past it, Colin materialises inside it.

On the stage, Rembrandt is setting up for a show with some hired musicians.

As we see him, he's chatting with a guitarist.


Thought my tear ducts were dried out, but I cried like a baby at the ceremony. Looks like I still got it.


Right on, Cryin' Man!

They low-five one another.

At the door across the room, guests file in.

We see the two Kellys talking animatedly.

Kelly Prime

Does your world have coffee or chocolate?

Kelly EDP

Of course. What, yours doesn't?

Kelly Prime

No, they went extinct during the invasion. I could murder a mocha.

Kelly EDP

Surely this world has them. Let's check the bar.

We move on to Arturo, who enters with the other elders; Missus Mallory EDP pushes Missus Mallory Prime in her wheelchair, and Michael brings up the rear of the group.


I'm looking forward to returning to our house, Amanda.

Missus Mallory EDP

I bet those army thugs never watered my flowers. I'll be coming home to a dead garden.

Missus Mallory Prime

Those monsters.


What a shame I didn't meet you earlier. I invented a device that attracts and absorbs ambient moisture and directs it under soil. They keep my plants quite healthy.

We move on to Mallory and Maggie.


So you're going to turn our house into some kind of bachelor pad?


No, we're just going to have a weekly support group. And all live in the house separately.


Well, just don't trash the joint.


(rolling his eyes)

We have house cleaners.

Diana approaches Mallory now, and breaks him away from Maggie.


I'm so glad to hear you're doing this. I think it'll be really beneficial for all of you.

(leaning in)

Colin hides behind his affable facade, but I know he has a lot of serious things to work through.


You think so?



You and he have a common flashpoint in Doctor Geiger.


Yeah, I guess you're right. But what about Quinn? He's a victim of Geiger, too.


He seems pretty well-adjusted, all things considered. That man knows his way around his own brain. Maybe he's already worked through his trauma?


Always one step ahead of the rest of us, huh?

We move on to Cole finding their seat at the bridal party table. Lani hovers behind them.


So you're a doctor?


Not just yet. I'm a medical scientist specialising in cancer research.


Oh that's awesome. I'm a neuroscientist. Science gang!

Cole gestures towards their seat.


Here, take this for now and I'll go find someone to get another chair.

Lani sits in the chair, looking uncomfortable.

We follow Cole as they walk to the bar.

There, the two Kellys wait for a bartender to make their coffees, while another bartender approaches Cole.

As Cole begins to ask, we move past the bar and into the back rooms, before finally leaving out of the propped open fire door, where we catch the limousine driving by that carries the married couple.

As it pulls up to the main entrance, we catch up and watch Quinn and Wade step out to a flashing photographer's camera.

We follow them back into the premises, where Rembrandt stands on stage, microphone in hand, to introduce them.


Everyone, here they are, the happy couple: Quinn and Wade Mallory. Let's give 'em a hand.

A round of applause echoes through the hall, as Quinn and Wade proceed to their seats, waving.

Fade to:

Int. [SW] Banquet Hall - Night

Time skip to the best man toast. All those present are now seated at their tables, with Lani and Cole squeezed together at their place.

A microphone has been set up by Colin's pod, and he speaks into it awkwardly.


Hello everyone, I'm Colin, Quinn's brother, and I have been told I need to make some kind of speech now. Given that it's been some time since I've been able to hold a pen for long enough to transcribe anything, I fear it may seem disjointed, but I'll try.

Some of you who know Quinn may be wondering how he has a brother you never knew about, and why I'm confined to a strange little machine.

Well, fear not: that's easily explained.

You see, Quinn and I were separated as children and placed on parallel dimensions with foster parents, then no sooner had we rediscovered one another did he get fused with another version of himself while I lost my grip on the very Earth I stood on, and it's taken over twenty years to bring us to a point where either of us can be here talking to you today.


See? Easily explained.

This causes a ripple of confused laughter.


I've not had the privilege of growing up with Quinn, or even spending much quality time with him. But those few, precious moments I've spent with him make me wish that I had.

Quinn is a man that would go to the ends of the Earth to help someone he cares about, and that's genuinely an understatement.

And given what I know about Wade, he found his perfect match on that front.

He holds up his champagne glass.


A toast to Quinn and Wade, two of the most caring people to ever walk the multiverse.

Congratulations Quinn. I love you, brother.

Glass clinks are heard throughout the venue.

Fade to:

Int. [SW] Banquet Hall - Night

Time skip to Bridal Waltz.

Quinn and Wade are alone on the dance floor as music swells.


Ladies and gentlemen... et cetera, all eyes on our special couple tonight as they have their first dance as husband and wife.

Rembrandt starts to sing "Stand By Me" by Ben E King, as Quinn and Wade dance.


(quietly to Quinn)

What made you pick this song, anyway?


I don't know. Just thought Remy would sound great singing it, I guess?


Hey, you were right.

Fade to:

Int. [SW] Banquet Hall - Night

Time skip to later: 

As music blares, and people dance, Quinn takes a moment to rest on the outskirts of the dance floor. He looks pretty tired.

Finally, Lani approaches him.


Hey. I'm sorry I haven't been available all night. Who knew it was this exhausting just to get married?


That's okay. I've just been taking everything in. I met my... grandparents? Though only the man said he was my biological grandfather.


Yeah, that's right. But I see all three as my parents. You heard Colin's speech, right? The explanation was in there somewhere.


I did hear the speech, but understand it? Not exactly.



Yeah, it's like that in this family. Welcome to the madness, Lani.


Cole was saying something about their brain equipment causing two versions of you to merge, thus freeing their other Dad from your presence... it's just so incomprehensible. I'm gonna need diagrams.



I'm sure Cole will be able to provide.


But what's interesting me is your Moms. One has terminal cancer? And one has no cancer? Is that right?


Yeah, I think that's accurate.


Back home I work in a cancer research facility.

Quinn's attention is piqued.


It became a major branch of the government about fifteen years ago, when over twenty per cent of people who had been exposed to the virus that devastated the male population went on to develop aggressive tumours - both men and women.

Just recently we had a breakthrough in our treatments. Each year we scan people for all types of cancer, and if they're clear, we store their biological and cellular data in a master file, which provides a template.

If they develop cancer in the future, we use that template to tell our nanites what to recognise as healthy tissue, and what to attack.

Quinn's eyes light up.


So you can program them to specifically target cell abnormalities based on the healthy past version of the patient? That's genius!


Right! And while it couldn't work on your mother without a template...



We have a healthy version right there...

Lani looks him in the eyes.


We might still be able to get the cancer out. I don't know about the damage it's done already, necessarily, but...


We have to tell them.

Lani nods.

Quinn pulls Lani into a hug.


Thanks for bringing us hope.

Fade to:

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Entryway - Day

The family has gathered for their farewells.

Quinn is sitting on the stairs, overlooking all his loved ones in the entryway. Wade is sitting by him.

Lani, Cole, and Anna are all in high spirits, standing together engaged in conversation.

The four elders stand in a group (except Mom Prime who's sitting in her wheelchair) with very pleased expressions. Missus Welles is with them also, and the two Kellys are together, seeming to enjoy each other's company. Kelly Prime, notably, is wearing brand new clothes.

Colin is in his pod, seeming to be waiting for someone to engage him in conversation.

Diana and Maggie stand together, suitcases on the floor beside them.

Rembrandt and Mallory stand together, still in their pajamas. They are  not going anywhere.


This place is about to get real quiet again.


Not when there's a piano in the sun room. I'll see to that.

Mallory smiles, and puts his arm around Remy.

On Kelly Prime now, who moves to hug her double.

Kelly Prime

I had such a great time hanging with you. I don't want to go home.

Kelly EDP

Then don't! Come back with me and Mom.

Why stay in a world without chocolate?

Kelly Prime considers this.

Kelly Prime

When you put it that way...

We move on to Michael and Arturo's conversation.


You're comfortable with your wife going off to that unfortunate world?


I admit, I had an absolutely dismal time there myself. But if it means the other Amanda gets a chance to survive, I am not going to protest. And, the template record may save her own life some day.

Michael nods.

The focus shifts to Lani, Cole, and Anna.


You think Grandma is still curable?


I think we can, at the very least, halt its growth. Best case is full remission.


Worst case?


Worst case, I suppose, is that it doesn't work and she's no worse off.


I'm so glad I could be a part of this. This has been the best week of my life.

Cole takes Anna's hand.



Mine too.

We move our focus to Quinn and Wade, who are coming down the stairs. Quinn is pushing buttons on a timer.


Alright, first slide back: Earth Prime. Kelly?

He looks at Kelly Prime, who looks at him sheepishly.

Kelly Prime

I've, uh, decided to go back with my double.


(smiling inquisitively)

Really? Okay.

He taps new co-ordinates into the timer.


In that case, I guess we have a few people heading off to Wade's home world, then.


Everyone for Azure Gate Bridge world, step forward.

The two Kellys, Missus Welles, Diana, Maggie, and Arturo all step forward.

Quinn points the timer, and opens the vortex.

Wade hugs her family.


See you guys soon.

She turns to Kelly Prime.


Hope my Mom treats you right.

Kelly Prime smiles, and hugs Wade.

The three Welles family members jump into the vortex as Wade waves.

Arturo kisses Missus Mallory EDP goodbye, then approaches Quinn.


Congratulations again, Mister Mallory.


(leaning in with a mischievous smile)

After the honeymoon, we'll be moving in with you.


Wait, what?

Quinn pushes him toward the wormhole.


Bye, Professor!

Arturo gives him a sour look as he enters and disappears.

Diana and Maggie are next to approach. Diana nods at Colin in the corner, who gives her a wave.

Maggie briefly meets Mallory's eye, then Rembrandt, then Colin.


We'll stay in touch, guys.


Bye, Maggie.

He hugs her; a little too long for just friends, but a little too stiff for lovers.


We'll see each other soon enough. Bye, Quinn.

She steps through. Diana waves broadly before following. The wormhole closes behind her.


Okay, so next is Moms and Lani. Cole, I need the co-ordinates.

Cole bounds up to him, holding up a slip of paper, from when Cole had copied down the information out of the records room. He copies the data to his own timer.


Okay. Lani, I need you for a moment.

Lani crosses the room to him.


Okay, so this is important. I have to set this timer for a specific amount of time. How long will the treatments take?



I wanna say three months. But it could be a little longer depending on the size of the cancer.


Okay, I'll set it for four months. It's important that you press this button--

(points to a button)

-- when the timer reaches exactly zero. Not a second earlier or later.

Lani, looking nervous, nods.


If you somehow fail to do so, use this --

(pointing to another button)

-- to send us a message.

Lani nods again.


Got it?



Yeah, got it.


Okay. I'm counting on you.

He points opens the vortex, before handing Lani the timer.


Good luck.

They share a quick hug, and Quinn moves to his mothers.


(to Mom EDP)

Hey Ma, you're really brave to be doing this. Thank you.

Missus Mallory EDP

Oh, honey, I couldn't stand by and watch my new friend die if I could stop it.

Missus Mallory Prime

You really are a sweetheart, Amanda.

Quinn hugs both of his mothers.


Alright, you'd better go. I love you both.

Mom EDP pushes the wheelchair to the vortex. Lani and the Moms wave, and then vanish into it.

Quinn watches it close, a bittersweet look on his face.

Now, only Michael remains to go home. Quinn moves to him.


Your turn, Dad.

Michael nods.


You're coming with me, right? For your honeymoon?



We have an appointment at the travel agency.

No vacation like a slide-hopping tour of paradise worlds.

He looks at Colin.


You take care of Mallory, Cole, and Remy, alright?


Oh, I'm sure if they act up, my standing here admonishing them will be more than effective enough.

Quinn smiles at him.


I might not be coming back here to live, but I'll visit all the time.


What will you be doing, anyway? Are you joining the Quinn Squad?

Quinn shakes his head.


No, not directly. I'm thinking of workin' out of the basement again. Bit more freedom, bit less politics.


I would have thought after all this time you'd be looking to retire from sliding.



I'm a glutton for punishment.

He crosses to Cole and Anna, who are now sitting on the stairs.


I'll see you around, Cole.


Hope your honeymoon can hold a candle to the wedding.


It'll be tough. What a night, huh?


(hugging Quinn)

Bye, Dad.


Bye Cole.

Finally, Quinn approaches Remy and Mallory, with Wade also approaching.


So, a support group, huh?


We got issues, what can I say?


What's your secret to being so put together?


Who, me?


Maybe I'm not as "together" as I appear. I'm always working through stuff. Pretty good at keeping it to myself, though.


Well, if you ever need someone else to talk to, we'll be here, brother.

He hugs each of them, then returns to Michael. Wade lingers.


(to Rembrandt)

You take care of yourself.

Rembrandt smiles at her, maintaining eye contact.


I will, Wade.

Wade smiles at his unbroken gaze, and hugs him.

We move focus to Quinn and Michael.




(eyes on timer)

Twelve seconds.

Quinn nods, and the two move to the centre of the room, followed by Wade, who breaks away from Remy. They give a final wave to those remaining. Michael opens the vortex, and Wade takes Quinn's hand.

They walk into the light, as the others watch and wave.

Mallory and Rembrandt exit into the hall towards the living room.

The vortex closes, and Cole stands up and stretches.


I really thought you might jump in there.


Nah. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely wanted to.

They pull out a timer from their jacket, which is counting down from 00:00:44.


But I didn't need to.

Anna laughs.


I almost forgot you had one too.


You coming along?



Colin watches them from his pod.



I suppose you want me to let your father know.



Actually... I forgot you were still standing there. But yes please, Uncle Colin.


Ouch, that hurts. Well before you go, I just want to say thanks for helping with Quinn.


Aww, thanks. Well, you helped too, right? None of this would have happened without your weird superpowers.

Colin smiles.


Just call me the puppet master.


(glancing at timer)

Oh, I gotta go.

Cole opens the vortex, and looks back at their uncle.


The work won't be done until you're outta there. So we've all got a reason to keep sliding and looking for some way.


I can tell that's just an excuse. Go, have a good time seeing new worlds. Just be careful.

Cole grins at him.


I will. Bye!

They wave, and join Anna at the vortex. They take one last look at each other, and jump in.

As the vortex closes, Colin stands alone in the room. His smile fades, and he collapses to the floor, tears forming in his eyes. He's not as okay as he's been projecting.

End of Act Four

In this fic series: