
Sliders Fan Script

by Ashe P. Kirk

Episode 5 of my "Season 6 in the 2020s" series

Completed: 1 August 2022

Cover Artwork for Quarantine

Previously on Sliders


I'm sorry Remy, she's not the Wade you knew.


You deserve a bit of normalcy after what you've been through.

[People staring at Rembrandt]


Not sure "normal" is quite the word.


Sorry Ma. You're... not the only Mom I need to see.

Missus Mallory

Because you're two Quinns.


Are you saying Colin's been runnin' around behind the scenes, giving us all these lucky breaks lately?


It's good to finally see you, brother. --

I have to work quickly to get anything down my oesophagus. Once it's in there, it shifts with me, but until then...

[Bag of chips vanishes]


You can't ever slow down, can you?


Not for twenty years.


Our best bet would be to figure out some way to draw Colin to one of our home worlds, and stabilise him there.

[The vial of Colin's blood is placed in the magnetic field]


A vial of blood?


We know now it carries his quantum signature. --

What do you want me to say? I failed you? Yes, I did, okay? --

I'm a screw-up.


You've already done more for me today than you did in decades. Is it mere coincidence that it's been less than a day since you met my brother in the flesh? --

You're not forgiven, by the way. Not yet.

Act One

Int. [SW] Hospital: Hall Outside Private Room - Day

Cole stands at the door to Missus Mallory's hospital room, beside Quinn who is off to the side.


We need to finesse this surprise, because she's frail. Who knows how she'll react to seeing you.

Quinn smirks.


Alright, I'll follow your lead.


Good. Stay here until I give the signal.

Cole opens the door, knocking on it as she peeks in.

Int. [SW] Hospital: Private Room - Day

On the other side of the door, we see Cole.


Hey Grandma!

Missus Mallory Prime is seated by the window, on her sofa seat. She whips her head around and smiles at Cole warmly.

Missus Mallory

Cole! You should have told me you were coming, I would have showered.

She raises from her seat, with some difficulty.



No no, don't get up. I have a surprise and you'll want to be sitting down, okay?

Missus Mallory

(sitting down)

A surprise? Your visit is surprise enough.


Oh, you're gonna forget all about that in a hot second.

(towards door)


On Missus Mallory's face as she sees her son's face for the first time in decades - and all the emotion that comes with it.


Hi, Ma.

Missus Mallory is speechless.

Quinn rushes to her and gives her a hug, sitting on the sofa with her.


Told ya!

Missus Mallory

When did this happen? How?

Quinn and Cole exchange glances.

Quinn & Cole (Simultaneously)

Long story / It's complicated.

Ext. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Poolside - Day

Rembrandt, Maggie, and Mallory are clothed in swimsuits, in repose on poolside recliners. Each has a cocktail and are taking in some sun.


Now this is what fame and fortune's all about.


A private pool and bottomless cocktails? Yeah, it's quite the perk.


Guess we take it for granted these days. But after seeing your Earth, I guess we should count our blessings.


I mean there was no shortage of privacy there, what with the lack of people. But there was always the loomin' clouds of despair, and the regret.


Speaking of which, how are you doing, man?


I haven't been happy in a long time, you know? But at least now the questions I had about what happened to y'all are answered.


Still, it hurts to see Wade, after everything. Knowing that it's her face and her personality, but none of the connection.

And the way people stare at me out in the world, it unnerves me. I only feel safe in this house.

A moment of silence is broken by the sound of a camera clicking.


Oh crap, it's the paparazzi.

She jumps up, looking around the trees. She spots a photographer harnessed to a branch, aiming a telescopic lens DSLR.




She reaches under her seat, pulling out a paintball gun.

She points it at the guy, and takes a perfectly aimed shot, which splatters paint all over the camera - and possibly damages it in the process.

The photographer recoils, but the harness keeps him in place.


Better luck next time, jerk!

(back to normal volume, at Mallory)

Guess they know about Remy.

Rembrandt cringes.


I think I'm gonna go back inside.

He grabs his things, and heads for the house.

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Living Room - Day

Wade reclines on the modular sofa, watching "The Sliders" on the enormous TV.

Rembrandt wanders in from the courtyard, and glances at the television.

A cheesy, early millennium 4:3 aspect show with hammy acting and soft, soap opera lighting.

On the TV, an obviously cheap set containing a bed where an actor playing Wade lies, with an actor playing Quinn kneeling beside her:

Actor Playing Wade

Quinn, before I die of this deadly fever, I need to tell you... I love you!

Actor Playing Quinn

Oh Wade, I love you too. I'd kiss you right now, but... you know.

Wade stares at the television, unable to contain her embarrassment. She pauses it, and looks at Rembrandt.


Hey Mister Cryin' Man, you watched any of this show yet? I may actually pass away from second hand embarrassment.

Rembrandt avoids eye contact with her.


No, and now I'm glad I haven't. It didn't happen like that!


Oh, I could have guessed.

(beat, more serious tone)

I've noticed... you've been avoiding eye contact with me since I met you.


(still avoiding eye contact)

Yeah, I guess I have.


Listen, I heard about what happened to the other Wade, and I'm so sorry.


(looking anywhere but at her)

It was hard. And I thought I'd moved past it, 'til you showed up, and now when I look at you, my mind just throws up pictures of the other Wade floatin' there in the tank.


What happened to her was unconscionable. I'm so sorry you had to see her like that.


The two of us, we kinda had a special dynamic, you know? Q-ball and the Professor were always talkin' their intellectual mumbo jumbo, and we were the two regular people followin' our hearts.

And Maggie, well, she warmed up after a while, but she was still a soldier. She could put her feelings aside like changing hats when the time came. Me and Wade, we were emotional support, for each other, but also for the team as a whole. We were a gut check.

His voice breaks up too much to continue.

Wade holds his hand tightly.


What does your gut say now?

Rembrandt meets her eye for a split second, before wrenching it away again.


It's saying to leave this room and hide.


It's that bad, huh?




Your PTSD.


Yeah, I guess that's what it is.


So all the R and R here isn't helping at all?


Only a little.


Thing is, every time I go out of this house there's someone gawkin' at me. I know I used to want that kind of fame, but...


That sounds rough.

Listen, what if you were on a world where nobody was staring at you. Would that help?


You mean back on your homeworld?

Wade nods.


Yeah, maybe you can take a vacation in obscurity there.

Rembrandt mulls this over.


Yeah, why the heck not?


Great! Quinn's scheduled to go there tomorrow to help out Arturo and Diana with their work. We can go with them.


I heard your Wade published her diaries on my world, thought I'd check it out. Gotta be more authentic than this cheesefest.

She gestures to the TV with the remote, unpausing it.

On TV:

Actor Playing Rembrandt

(entering the frame)

The Professor made us some mould juice he says is the cure.

Actor Playing Wade

Save yourselves, I'm already dead!

Watching this, Rembrandt's uneasy smile fades to a frown.

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Master Bedroom - Night

Mallory, in boxers, gets into bed, with Maggie already there, scrolling on her phone. She wears a satin night gown.


It's nice havin' the whole gang together, working to find Colin, huh?


(not looking up)

Yeah, it's been a crazy week and a bit. Lot's happened.


(clumsy flirtation)

You know, there's finally no third party in my head to watch us get up to no good.

Maggie looks at him, unimpressed.



Well when you put it like that, how can I possibly resist?

She goes back to looking at her phone.


Another night, babe.

She flicks off her lamp.

Mallory looks positively wounded, there in the dark illuminated by a weak shaft of moonlight.

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Entryway - Day

Once again, Professor Arturo is standing, ready to open the gateway back to the world he now calls home.

Ready to depart are Wade, Quinn, and Rembrandt. Cole stands back with Mallory and Maggie, seeing off their friends.


My apologies for the short visit, but Colin's blood won't be fresh forever.


Not a problem, Professor.



I wish I could come, but I'm stuck here writing papers.

(brightening up)

But thanks to you guys I'm a shoo-in for a high grade.

Arturo opens the vortex.

Remy hugs Maggie, shakes Mallory's hand, and nods towards Cole, who he really doesn't know at all.

Then he enters the vortex.

Wade waves as she enters.

Arturo gives a resolute nod to the room, and enters too.

Quinn gives Maggie a hug, and then grips Mallory's hand in a "bros for life" gesture.


When next we meet, maybe Colin'll be with me.

Maggie grins.


I hope so.


If you ever need us, just drop in any time.

Quinn nods, and runs for the vortex. And he's gone.

Int. [EDP] Mallory House: Basement - Day

The sliders gather as the wormhole closes behind them. Diana's there, waiting.


Oh, hey Rembrandt! What brings you here?


He's on vacation from the public eye.


Yeah. Thought a little anonymity might calm my nerves. Things are getting a bit intense over there.


I get it. When we went out for dinner that night, you were edgy about all the attention. This might do you some good.


As for me, I'm here to see the other Wade's diary. I want to know more about her. Just to compare notes.

She looks Quinn in the eye.


Of course, I've got a copy on the top shelf of the living room bookcase.


(still looking at Quinn)


She peels herself away and heads up the stairs.


I sensed some tension there.


I think she wants to share in some of the memories I have with that Wade. Understand my relationship with her better.


That, or read about the competition.

Remy pats Quinn on the back, and heads upstairs himself.


Well, we've got work to do.


(taking a seat)

Can't wait.

Int. [EDP] Mallory House: Living Room - Day

Wade sits on the couch, reading voraciously. Missus Mallory sits across from her, doing a crossword.

Missus Mallory

I know you just want to understand him better, but he knows you're not the same Wade as the one you're reading about.


(looking up)

I know, I know. It's just... all the other sliders, they knew her. Rembrandt is so traumatised that he can't even look at me.

I just want to make sure I don't step on any toes. I have a responsibility not to tarnish her memory.

Missus Mallory nods with understanding.

Missus Mallory

You really are a kind person, aren't you?


I just try to make the world a better place than I found it, that's all.

Missus Mallory

There's nobody I'd want to marry Quinn more.



That's so sweet. We're taking it slow, but, so far so good.

Missus Mallory


I hope the other me lives long enough to hear wedding bells.


(dawning concern)

I'll keep that in mind.

Ext. [EDP] Azure Gate Park - Day

Rembrandt lies on the grass, as the sun warms his face. Next to him is a takeout burger and fries, which he grazes on.

He's peaceful. Nobody pays him any mind.


(under breath)

Never thought I'd be so happy to be washed up.

He leans back, and closes his eyes. A contented smile emerges on his face.

End of Act One

Act Two

Int. [EDP] Mallory House: Basement - Day

Quinn, Arturo, and Diana are disheveled and tired-looking. Quinn has stubble on his face. They've been hard at work for a while.

In front of Arturo, the communications device.

Diana is peering into a microscope, and looking away every so often to write something.

Quinn tinkers with the timer.

Missus Mallory enters from above, carrying a tray of sandwiches and tea.

Missus Mallory

Lunch time!

She places the tray on a free surface, and waits for anyone to make a move. None do - they're all too absorbed in what they're doing.

Missus Mallory

You have to eat. I don't want to throw out another tray of my hard work.


This is what I get for marrying two scientists and giving birth to another.


Eat when you have a minute, and don't let that tea go cold!

She turns to leave.


(still absorbed in his work)

Thanks Ma, love ya.

She smiles, and heads back upstairs.

Int. [EDP] Mallory House: Living Room - Day

Missus Mallory sits herself down on the couch, next to Wade, who has long since finished reading the diaries.


How's it looking?

Missus Mallory

I don't know, they barely even acknowledge my existence when they're so caught up in their science.

(looking at Wade)

Will you make sure my boys are eating?

Wade shrugs.


What makes you think they'll notice me any more than they notice you at the moment?


I'll see what I can do.

She heads off towards the basement, passing Rembrandt, who's entering the room.

Missus Mallory

Ah, Remy, how's the vacation coming along?



It's been a good week. Can't say it fixed me or nothin', but it's a start. How's the work coming along?

Missus Mallory

Don't ask me. Those three are off in another world.



What, they slid? Where?

Missus Mallory


No, no. Figure of speech.

Then, a muffled cry from the basement.

Arturo (O.S.)


Remy and Missus Mallory look to one another, excited, and head toward the basement.

Int. [EDP] Mallory House: Basement - Day

Missus Mallory and Rembrandt hurry down the stairs. Wade watches the three scientists.

Arturo stands proudly before a monitor displaying the message:

Synchronization Complete.

Current location of target:

Quinn sits by the food tray, mouth full of sandwich.

Diana stands grinning at the monitor.


Ladies and gentlemen, I'm proud to announce we have cracked Colin's quantum signature, and we have a potential means to trans-dimensionally supplant his matter.

Wade applauds.



I don't know what that means, but way to go!


We're gonna need an English version o' that.



It means, in theory, that we should be able to get a lock on his location in space-time, slide to him, implant him with a chip that Diana developed, and that should allow us to intercept one of his shifts, bringing him into a stable magnetic field on one of our worlds.

Missus Mallory


Once again for the slow?


(grappling for an analogy)

You know how in schlock movies, how they draw a big pentagram on the floor and summon a demon into it and trap it there? Well, we should be able to do something like that with Colin.

But we need to get a hold of him first. Fortunately the blood I extracted carried exactly the right information we needed to track him down.

Missus Mallory

Thank you, I think I get it now.


We're going to have to work quickly to catch him before he shifts.


Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Arturo looks at Quinn, then Diana.


Well, I suppose now's as good a time as any. Let's wait for his next shift to maximise the time we have to reach him.


I hope he's near where the portal opens...


You said he had crazy powers, right? Maybe he already knows we're coming.


Only one way to find out! So who's coming?


I definitely am.


I'm going to stay behind to monitor things on this end. You guys take the comms device. It should theoretically be working now to send messages in text.

She grabs it, and hands it to Quinn.

Arturo picks up a carry case.


Allow me to accompany you, Mister Mallory. The chip is in here. I need to get it straight into his body before he shifts, so Diana suspended it in a saline syringe for me.


Sure thing. As long as it's inside him, it should shift with him, like he said it worked with food.


I want to go too.


It'll only be for an hour. Are you sure?

Wade nods vigorously.


I've always been a slider and I'm not ready to retire.

She glances at Remy.


(as if someone's trying to convince him)

Ah, what the hey. Old time's sake.


Alright, if you insist.

(typing at a keyboard)

Okay, just rigging up the machine. Be ready for the next shift.

Arturo hands Quinn the timer. Quinn looks at the two devices he's been given, one in each hand, and passes the comms device to Remy, before using his newly freed hand to hold Wade's.

On the computer screen:

Current location of target:

Then it changes abruptly.

Current location of target:


We got a shift! Go now!

Quinn points the timer and opens the wormhole.

The group races into it, not a moment to spare.

Ext. Golden Gate Park - Day

The sliders pile against each other as they leave the vortex.

They are in the park - somehow, nobody saw them appear. But as the wormhole closes, the group catches sight of a woman with a sign coming into view, seeming to be doing a one-woman protest.

The sign says:

Tracking chips in vaccines
Mark of the Beast!!!
I will not bend my knee
to the Satanic globalists


Where is this? Conspiracy World?


Seems like a pretty standard nutter.

Then, just as Rembrandt predicted, Colin emerges from between two trees.


(nodding in greeting)

Afternoon! I'm glad I managed to redirect you here.

Quinn takes off, and hugs his brother.


What brings you here? Have you worked out how to save me?


Potentially. Come on, the Professor has a tracker injection for you.

Hearing this turn of phrase, the woman with the sign looks, narrow-eyed, at the brothers.


Oh, something subcutaneous? Good thinking.


It was all Diana's idea. She's been a great help.

Colin smirks to himself at this.

They arrive at Arturo, who already has his case open, and is preparing the syringe.

The woman with the sign watches, eyes manic.

Arturo quickly injects the solution, and just as he pulls it out, he is tackled to the ground by the woman.

Colin jumps back, and, as if by instinct, shifts away.


Demon! You demon! I rebuke you in Jesus' name!

She spits into his face.

Rembrandt tries to pull her off him and she hisses at him like a feral cat.



Satan will not prevail. Jesus will destroy you and your New World Order!

I rebuke you! In Jesus' name Amen!


Oh god, we are on Conspiracy World.


Not so fast...

Various passers-by, some clad in face masks, have come to Arturo's aid, restraining the woman and helping him up.


He injected that poison into someone! The vaccine! They were talking about tracking chips openly! He's working for the devil!


Hey, shut the hell up! My mother died of Covid, you psycho!

Teenage Girl

(filming with her phone)

Shame on you, Karen!

Masked Businessman

You're the reason people keep dying! Screw you!

Arturo wipes his face with a handkerchief, and takes the hand of a 30-something woman, Felicity, who helps him up. She wears a face mask.


You okay, sir? I can't believe that woman did that, that's so disgusting.

(leaning in)

If I were you I'd get a Covid test, 'cause that walking petri dish sure never would.


Thank you for your help, my dear. Now... what is a Covid test?

Felicity looks at him, baffled.


I'm sorry, I don't think I heard that right... could you repeat that?


What is a Covid test?


You're pulling my leg, right? Where have you actually been for the past couple years?

Quinn chuckles nervously, pulling him away.


Okay Dad, leave the nice lady be.

(to Felicity)

Dad's not all there. Don't worry, I'll get him tested.

Felicity looks at Quinn with recognition, and then blushes.


Oh my god, I'm sorry but is it okay if I get a selfie with you?

Quinn blinks.


Uh... sure thing.

She pulls out her phone and they pose for the photo.


Thanks a lot. Man this is going to be a wild story to tell. Thanks Mister O'Connell.

Felicity dashes off, leaving Quinn dumbfounded.


(wandering over)

What was that about?


I dunno, but I have the feeling we should be finding some WiFi.


(checking the timer)

We have fifty-four minutes until the slide back. Let's be quick about it.

Ext. Al Fresco Cafe - Day

Arturo, Quinn, and Wade sit together at a table. Rembrandt approaches them with a box of surgical masks, which he places on the table.


Lots of people seem to be wearin' these, and if Q-ball's famous we might be better off with 'em.

Quinn grabs one, and moves to put it on.

Wade taps on her phone, sullen.


Okay, so this "Covid" thing is a global pandemic that started at the end of 2019 and spread to... everywhere. My god.


(going white)



(swallowing hard)

Over 6 million dead worldwide...

Remy and Quinn look at one another in alarm.


Over a million in the US alone...

Arturo stares off into the distance silently.


Spread by respiratory droplets.

Rembrandt looks in horror at Arturo.


So if we slide now...


We might be bringing back a deadly virus.


(still reading phone)

Risk of death increases with age and other health factors, especially lung conditions and diabetes.


(taking a deep breath)

Given the risk factors, it may be prudent for me to remain on this Earth until I can be sure that I am clear of the virus.

You three can slide back and return for me after a quarantine period. I'll keep the communications device with me so we can stay in touch.


But couldn't we all be carrying this thing now? None of us can go back and introduce this thing to other worlds.

(looking at phone)

Says here that the incubation period is... one to fourteen days?! Oh man.


Look, at least one of us needs to return, or we'll be stuck here for the rest of the Professor's life.

The Professor shoots him a look.


Alright, quickly, send a message to Diana. Tell her she has half an hour to convert the basement into a quarantine station for three. And she must not only have no contact with you for two weeks at minimum, but also she must air seal the basement door. You'll have to get your air through the window.

Wade looks introspective for a moment.


Professor, if you get sick, who's going to take care of you?


I'm staying.


Now, there's no need for that.


Look, you saved my double's life from a horrible sickness once. I want to do that for you. I spent near twenty-five years caring for someone. Turns out I have a knack for it.


If you're staying, so am I.


No Quinn. I need a technical hand in case you need to work on the equipment in there. You must go back.

Rembrandt is silent. His gaze flickers to Wade and then down again just as quickly. He starts tapping the message to Diana into the comms device.


Go on. Remy and Quinn can go back, and we'll stay.


Very well. It's settled.

Arturo dons a mask, and Wade follows suit.


Let's go to the Dominion, Miss Welles.

He turns to Quinn and Rembrandt.


Find somewhere discreet to Slide, and for God's sake avoid everyone.

He heads off, muttering to himself.


This blasted world is a nightmare.

End of Act Two

Act Three

Int. Dominion Hotel: Suite - Day

Arturo and Wade sit on their beds, each absorbed in their phones.


Good heavens. This pandemic began during the presidency of one Donald Trump.


That explains all the memes I'm seeing with him in 'em...


What kind of off-the-wall nonsense world is this, anyway?


I don't know, but it seems like half the country's gone a little nutso.

That lady in the park - she was spouting the same stuff as I keep encountering on social media. It's like instead of causing panic as you might expect from a deadly pandemic, it caused some kind of mass denial.

That's why it spread uncontrolled.


And despite all the dead, and the ones that survived having all kinds of health problems, they seem to be largely pretending it's not even happening.


While I'd like to think that wouldn't happen on the Earth where I live, who knows? Some people prefer convenient lies to inconvenient truths.


And get this. I looked up all our names.

She holds her phone out so that Arturo can see it. On the screen is a promotional still of the show Sliders, complete with the original four cast members.


What the devil?!


We're characters in a TV show here, just like the world where Maggie and Mallory live. How does this keep happening?!


Perhaps there was a Seer on this world too?


I don't know, but I gotta see this show.


Well, we have two weeks here, at minimum. Plenty of time, if you can get a hold of it.


The woman in the park who recognised Quinn; she thought he was an actor called Jerry O'Connell. My double is named Sabrina Lloyd, Remy's is Cleavant Derricks, and yours is John Rhys-Davies. They're all actors of varying levels of fame. Yours and Quinn's seem to be the most prolific.

(glancing at phone)

Wait, Colin was played by Jerry's real brother, Charlie O'Connell!


Just a moment, I heard that every one of Colin's doubles was meant to have died when he was Unstuck?


I don't know about any of that, but he's sure not dead here.


This world is truly stranger than fiction.

Int. [EDP] Mallory House: Basement - Night

Rembrandt and Quinn sit on stools overlooking their inflatable mattresses covered with blankets, looking extremely bored.


She coulda set up a TV at least.


She had a half hour. I think she did alright.

Quinn glances around the room at all the shiny toys.


I got plenty to occupy me. You've got your phone, right?


Yeah. Can't wait to have the mother of all cricks in my neck in a few days.

There's a sudden beeping, and Rembrandt follows the noise to the comms device.

He presses a button to stop the noise, and looks at it.


Oh good, they've sent through a list of symptoms to look out for.


Let's hear it.


Loss of, or change in, smell and/or taste. Headache. Sore throat. Fever, chills. Dry cough. Phlegmy cough - really, both? Body pains. Congestion. Shortness of breath. Brain fog and confusion.


Oh, great, just what I need after half of me spending twenty years in a brain fog.


Oh, I'm not done. Diarrhoea. Rashes, discolouration of the digits, red eyes, chest pain, loss of speech or mobility.




We might be in for a ride, huh?

(reading on)

Says that the symptoms vary wildly, it could be any combination of them, but the most common are your classic flu symptoms -- just worse, and with potential for long term illness after recovery. That brain fog is the most common symptom of what they're calling "Long Covid."


I'm really worried about the Professor.


Me too, Q-ball. Me too. But if he does get sick, he's in the best place to be treated, right? They're experienced with it there.


Yeah. You're right.

A knock at the small window at ground level. The two look up, and Diana is leaving a tray of food there for them.


Kind of feels like being in prison with the food slot here, huh?

He opens the window more than the small crack previously, and pulls through the tray. On it is a couple of bag lunches with a note.

Quinn grabs the note and reads.


(reading aloud)

Place the tray out for eight, one and six. I'm afraid it'll have to be all disposables, since we don't want to risk your used plates and cutlery. Sorry. Diana.

(looking up, smirking)

Prison, you say?

Rembrandt lifts up one of the bags and finds another note.


Looks like this one's just for you, Momma's Boy.

Quinn takes it, and smiles.

Note: Take care of yourself Quinn. Text me every day. Love Mom xx


What can I say? That's an accurate characterisation.

Int. Dominion Hotel: Suite - Day

Arturo and Wade seem not to have moved at all since we last saw them, but now their hair is more messy, and they look more disheveled - it's clearly been a few days now.


I tracked down a streamable link for the show. Wanna watch?


Miss Welles, I couldn't think of anything I'd rather do less.

Wade giggles.


Well, I don't have headphones so you may have no choice.



O joyous day.

He sniffs. We see that his forehead is a little more moist than usual.


Professor, are you feeling normal?



I feel fine - I think. But I'm not going to deny it if I begin to deteriorate. We'll have to see what the next twenty-four hours hold in store.

Wade glances down at her phone.


Oh no, news of our run-in with that weirdo are starting to spread.



Yes, I did see someone filming with their phone.


It's only on niche sites so far- people think it's a publicity stunt for a reunion of the show. Though when they asked Jerry and John for comment, they said it must be something called a "deepfake." I don't know what that is, but it hasn't quelled the speculation.


Just what we need.


Hey, as long as they're asking them rather than us.

A knock comes on the hotel room door.

Wade dons her mask and hurries over. She opens it to a tray of food placed on the floor.

Int. Dominion Hotel: Hall - Day

The room service worker who left it is hurrying further down the hall. They look back briefly, and they're wearing a mask.

Int. Dominion Hotel: Suite - Day


(picking up the tray)

Lunch is on.

She places it on the table as Arturo continues their conversation.


Well, while you were reading scurrilous gossip, my research brought me the news that there is yet another virus on the horizon in this country called "Monkeypox."

(wiping his brow)

The sooner we can vacate this hellish world, the better, I say.

Int. [EDP] Mallory House: Basement - Night

Quinn hunches over some electronics, screwing in a circuit board.

Rembrandt paces the room, clearly suffering from boredom.


What are you workin' on now, Q-ball?


New timer. Might as well make the most of the downtime, right?


Yeah, easy for you to say when we're in egghead paradise down here. I got nothing.


Aren't you a singer? Serenade me.


"The caged bird sings," huh?

Remy thinks for a moment, before starting to belt out the old African American song "Swing Low Sweet Chariot."


Swing low, sweet chariot,

Comin' for to carry me home...

Quinn looks up at him with some concern at his sorrowful choice of song, but enjoys the performance all the same.

Int. Dominion Hotel: Suite - Night

The room is dark, it's clearly late. The two sliders lie in bed, sleeping.

That is, until Arturo coughs. It's a nasty, raw cough.

Arturo sits up, turning on his lamp, continuing to cough several more times. His face is flushed, and hair drenched.

Wade stirs.


Uhn... Professor, not to state the obvious, but I think you have Covid.


Yes, thank you for your --


-- invaluable assessment, Miss Welles.


(disappointed, and anxious)

Guess we're in it for the long haul now.

Int. [EDP] Mallory House: Basement - Day

Quinn and Rembrandt are both going stir-crazy now. They have a deck of cards out and are playing a very uninspired game of Go Fish.



Got any threes?



Go fish.

Rembrandt picks up a card from the deck, but his ability to care about this game collapses before our eyes.

He puts down his cards.


This blows.


We could play blackjack.


Against a card counter? What kind of fool do you take me for?


Quinn puts his cards down too.


You really exhausted everything you can do down here?

Quinn nods.


Built a new timer, upgraded Diana's field generator - not that the thing's of much use now, improved the latency of the comms, did diagnostics on the Professor's equipment... I'm out of spare parts and there's nothing left to upgrade anyway.


And you did all that in five days?


My propensity to work quickly is normally a blessing.


Well Q-ball, welcome to my boredom.

They sit there in silence for an uncomfortable length of time.

Cut to:

Int. Dominion Hotel: Suite - Day

Immediately, we launch into Arturo coughing. It's a nasty hacking cough punctuated by gasps for air.

Wade places a moist towel on his forehead.


Professor, you're in a really bad way. Might be time to take you to a hospital.

Arturo, unable to speak due to his coughing fit, merely nods in compliance.

Wade herself is now showing early signs of the virus, with her skin looking pallid.

She clears her throat and grabs the phone.

Int. Hospital Covid Ward: Nurse's Station - Day

A masked Wade watches the masked Arturo being whisked away into the ward, as she stands by a Nurse behind a desk - the nurse is decked out in full PPE.


Has he had his four vaccines?


I'm sorry, he hasn't been vaccinated.

The nurse sighs deeply.


He's had ample time - he an antivaxer?


No, and I can't explain why but he actually didn't have the opportunity before he got exposed.



Sure thing. Look, I can't sugar-coat this. I've seen a lot of unvaccinated people in his state, and it can go either way.

Wade looks crestfallen.


We're gonna treat him with some oxygen, and if he deteriorates, he may need to go on a ventilator. If that time comes...

(leaning their elbows on the desk)

We set up a video call to say goodbye, in case he doesn't wake up from the induced coma.

Wade's eyes glisten.


Pray that it doesn't come to that, but if the time comes, make sure his affairs are in order.

The nurse gives Wade a stack of home tests and a pulse oximeter.


Take these back with you and monitor your symptoms. If your blood oxygen dips below ninety per cent, call us. And use these tests once you start feeling better. Isolate 'til you come up negative.


Thank you.


We'll stay in touch, okay?

Wade nods, and turns away.

Int. [EDP] Mallory House: Basement - Night

Quinn is fast asleep on his air mattress. Rembrandt stares up at the ceiling, absolutely jonesing for dopamine.

He stands up, and inspects the window to see if he can squeeze through.

Ext. [EDP] Mallory House: Side of House - Night

Rembrandt shimmies through the window with difficulty, but manages to pull himself out of the basement.


(to self)

Twelve days is long enough, right?

He disappears into the night.

Int. [EDP] Mallory House: Basement - Night

Quinn is awoken by the comms device beeping. He looks at it.


(under breath)

Oh, no.

He flips over to wake Rembrandt.


Remy, they're putting the Professor on a v--

He finds himself patting an empty mattress.



Int. [EDP] All-Night Diner - Night

Rembrandt enters the largely unpopulated diner, checking his pockets for cash.

He greets the waitress behind the counter.


Hey there, just a bowl of fries, thanks.

The woman nods. Rembrandt takes a seat.

In his pocket, his phone begins to ring.



He takes out the phone and answers.


Hey Quinn.


Look man, I'm sorry but it's almost two weeks and I couldn't stand another second in that damned basement, man. I feel fine. I've felt fine the whole time.

The waitress places the bowl of fries on the table in front of him.


I'm just getting some grub--

(looking up at the waitress)

-- Thank you --

(looking back down)

-- No, I've only gone near one person. I didn't go to some club or some nonsense, I'm not that dumb.

He places a fry into his mouth, and chews.

His eyes widen.


(awkward, into phone)

Uh, so...

I'm gonna come back now. I can't taste these fries.

He drops his money by the bowl, and dashes for the door.

Int. Hospital Covid Ward: Isolation - Night

Arturo sits in his hospital bed, with an oxygen mask. His breathing is laboured.

He holds up a phone, through which he can see Wade.


Wade, if I don't --


-- survive, tell Amanda --


-- I'm sorry, and I love her.


And tell Quinn --


-- he's the best stepson I could imagine.

Int. Dominion Hotel: Suite - Night

Wade looks at the Professor's sorry state in her phone, just barely holding back her tears.

She nods at him.


I will, Professor.

She coughs a few times.


Promise me it won't come to that, okay?

The Professor nods.

The phone is taken from him, and a nurse looks into the phone.


(through phone)

You take care, Ma'am. We'll keep you informed. But I'm afraid it's time to hook him up.

Wade nods.


You do whatever you can for him, okay?



We will. We always do.

The phone hangs up, and Wade begins to bawl her eyes out.

Her phone switches back to the "Sliders" video she'd been watching. It's paused on a moment from "Fever" where the Professor is starting to display symptoms of the infection, but continues working on the cure all the same.

She puts the phone down, unable to keep watching for now - just openly weeping into the empty hotel room, Arturo's bed still unmade.

Int. [EDP] Mallory House: Basement - Night

Quinn paces, running hands through his hair, beside himself with anxiety.

Finally, he hears a tap on the window. He stops, and looks over to find Rembrandt peering in.


Hey Q-ball. I'm so sorry. I really thought we were in the clear, you know?



Listen, I'm not sure what to do here. You might have exposed people to a deadly virus in a world that doesn't know about it. Who can we call for that kind of thing?!


Maybe we just have to tell that diner what's happening?


You'd better think of a convincing lie, man. Because if this thing gets out...


I'll be Typhoid Remy all over again. I get it.

Rembrandt pulls out his phone.

Int. [EDP] All-Night Diner - Night

The waitress mops the floor as the phone on the wall rings.

She turns, and answers it.




Oh, hey there. You left in a hurry. My food no good? You left a full bowl.

We see that she's grazing on the bowl of fries that he left behind.

As she listens to him, she looks down at the bowl, suddenly very concerned.


You're kidding me...


How contagious?

In a panic, she throws the fries into the trash.


Look, I can't afford to take two weeks off...


You'll pay me how much?!


Okay... I mean, if this isn't all a great big joke, then sure...

Fade to black

Int. Hospital: Covid Ward - Day

Gentle light filters in the window.

Arturo lies in his hospital bed, face covered with a BIPAP mask. His eyes flutter open.

Cut to Black.

End of Act Three

In this fic series: