Conjoined Quinns, Part I

A Sliders Fan Script

by Ashe P. Kirk

Episode 1 of my "Season 6 in the 2020s" series

Completed: 26 July 2022


Hello, I'm Ashe and I haven't written a single Fanfic since I was twelve years old and writing Sonic the Hedgehog fics based on the SatAM cartoon I had literally never seen. Incidentally, I am now 36.

So it was as much a shock to me as anyone else that I would feel compelled by my extremely fickle brain to write this series.

But after watching 4 seasons of Sliders, then starting the horrendous dumpster fire that is Season 5, the desire to fix the show began to percolate.

At first I wanted to undo Season 5 entirely, but as I thought about it some more, I wasn't entirely averse to the concepts in Season 5, just the execution. The treatment of the two O'Connell brothers' characters was downright atrocious, and obviously Wade's character was an irreversible disaster.

It would take a lot to piece things back together, but I couldn't stop dreaming up ways to repair the damage. When it's a show about infinite possibilities, I guess that helps.

Then, I read the really great fan scripts that have been in circulation a while, those being "Slide Effects" and the "Sliders Reborn" series.

But both of them, while being satisfying enough, still left me a little cold - both of them did Colin dirty, and I always considered him a highly salvageable character, if given a chance to have a real personality. I also grew to like Maggie, in some ways at least. Even goddamn Mallory had some glimmer of okayness in him, if he had just not been handled the way he was. So I wanted to do right by these characters.

And because I wanted to envision it as if they really made this thing, I'm setting it in the present, with all the characters advanced 20+ years in age.

And so, here we are.

When I first started watching this show like two weeks ago after having a dream about the two episodes I ever saw on TV during its original run (seriously), I didn't even like it that much, so things sure have changed. LMAO. Well, I just regard it as a cheesy, fun but not stellar series that had characters I enjoyed and grew (overly) attached to.

Here are just a few things to know about this fic.

First, it's in screenplay format rather than prose. Like, proper "let's make a movie" screenplay format (for the most part). I have made short films in the past so it's actually the format I'm most comfortable writing in. I get exhausted writing prose, and it always comes apart at the seams. So I wrote this the way it played out in my head as a piece of film.

Now, as someone with ADHD who often uses text-to-speech to read long blocks of text, I have been writing in a non-destructive way - the way some script writing software formats scripts makes the screen reader have lots of hiccups. I, on the other hand, have written this with that in mind. So if you use a screen reader you should be cool with this - let me know if you find any issues. Also I still don't really know how certain things are supposed to be denoted in a script so I just guessed.

The scripts are written as if they were real 40-ish minute episodes (or thereabouts) - as such they are PG rated and have no explicit content. I do include a non-binary character, however, so if you don't like that you can get lost lol. I'm non-binary too so deal with it.

Finally, at least for these first 3 episodes (not sure if I'll do any more after that, depends on a lot of factors including but not exclusive to my ADHD), there isn't a large amount of action, or world-building. It's more of a string of character moments spread over three different worlds that have already been established in the show. BTW I name the worlds based on the names. So the ones present here will be Earth Prime, Earth Double Prime (EDP), and Seer World (SW). EDP is from the episode Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome and SW is the world from the final episode of the show, where three characters were stranded.

So I hope you enjoy these scripts. I powered through them, only took three days to have a three-episode outline and two scripts completed because I am obsessive when something makes my brain go brrr in the way this has.

(Also? Arturo is an absolute joy to write dialogue for.)

Cover Artwork for Conjoined Quinns, Part I

Act One

Ext. [EDP] Azure Gate Park, San Francisco - Day

Sweeping views of the bay reveal the distinctly blue colour of the Golden Gate Bridge (henceforth known as the Azure Gate Bridge).

A stout old man sits on a park bench overlooking the bay, throwing seeds to pigeons and other wild birds. We only see his back. A large overcoat, grey hair, and a very slight hunch.

A cell phone in his pocket starts to vibrate. We see that the man answering the phone is a much older Professor Maximillian Arturo.

He pulls out the cell phone - a modern smart phone of the 2020s - and holds it to his ear.



Incomprehensible talking comes from the other end of the phone.


Damn it woman! Can't a man take a walk in the park for an hour?

It's what?! No, no, don't touch it. Leave it be or so help me!

Arturo stands from the bench, suddenly filled with energy.


I'll be home expeditiously. Do not touch anything, do you hear me?

Arturo hangs up the call, and takes one last look at the blue bridge before turning away.

Ext. [EDP] Street Outside Quinn's house - Day

An old car pulls up to the house, and Arturo emerges.

He heads towards the door, where Missus Amanda Mallory waits. He kisses her on the cheek.

Missus Mallory

Finally! That thing's been beeping since you left. What is it, anyway?

Arturo gently moves her aside, and enters the house.

Int. [EDP] Mallory House: Entryway - Day

The Mallory house of Earth Double Prime (EDP) is updated since we last saw it. The doorway has a smart doorbell monitor, and there are photo frames of not only pictures of the old Mallory family, but also more recent ones of Missus Mallory and Arturo together.

There is an incessant beeping noise pervading the space.

By the door is a coat rack. Arturo removes his coat and hangs it before striding further into the room.

Missus Mallory comes in behind him, looking concerned.

Arturo turns to face her.


It's none of your business, that's what, my dear.

Turning abruptly, Arturo proceeds towards the basement door, but is stopped by Missus Mallory's hand on his shoulder.

She turns him back around.

Missus Mallory

Look, I know your work is over my head - I've had that problem ever since I met Michael - but the least you could do is tell me why I have to deal with this noise all day.

Arturo looks into her eyes, and softens.


Amanda, I--

He hangs his head.


I apologise. I can be overly caustic at times. I suppose my temper is not helping my blood pressure any.

He turns toward the basement door once again.


Come, I'll show you.

Int. [EDP] Mallory House: Basement - Day

Arturo and Missus Mallory descend the stairs, into a larger and better equipped version of the basement we knew. Machinery decks the walls, an array of reflective tempered glass computer screens intermingled with more traditional dial controls, switches, and levers. It's a combination of older and newer that only makes sense to a septuagenarian genius.

In the middle of the room is a small device with a smart phone screen attached by a cable, displaying a basic text interface. The text is a long block of incomprehensible characters.


Since the incident that left me stranded here, I've been trying - mostly in vain - to build a new sliding device.

Missus Mallory

Wait, that's what all this is?

I thought all the sliding technology was lost after Quinn's equipment was--

Arturo takes a moment to painfully relive the loss of the equipment.


Most of it was confiscated, yes. But even the US military could not confiscate this.

He taps a finger to his temple.


I've been using this blasted basement in an attempt to recreate the original technology, and more sophisticated devices. The problem is, I haven't yet been successful in opening a vortex. Something's missing.

He turns towards the device.


The infernal beeping is coming from this device here. It was built to receive interdimensional transmissions. It's been purely theoretical, though-- until now.

He picks it up and has a look at the screen. His eyes light up.


My God.

The look of shock morphs into a genuine smile. His eyes move from the device towards Missus Mallory.


This may look like gibberish to the untrained eye, but I believe it's some kind of encrypted message.

Arturo laughs with delight.

Missus Mallory looks lost.

Missus Mallory

I don't understand.


My dear... I've been sent a message from another world, and look!

He points to a string inside the block of seemingly random characters:


Missus Mallory

Quinn's... initials?


And Miss Welles, myself, Rembrandt Brown... I'm not so sure about the ones following that, but surely there's no coincidence.

This message... it's got to be for me. I just need to figure out how to crack this code.

Missus Mallory's eyes well with tears. Could it be?

Cut To:


Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Master bedroom - Day

Morning sun fills the large and lavish, but well lived-in, bedroom. A shelf displays some books and awards.

Two books titled “The Replacement - Memoirs of The Other Quinn Mallory” and “The Sliders: A Retrospective.”

A pair of Nobel Peace Prizes: one with the name Maggie Beckett, and the other with the name Quinn Mallory.

On the generously sized bed, one figure sleeps on the right side. It's Quinn Mallory, but not the original - the one known to us as simply Mallory. He's aged 20 years or so, but he still has the same dated haircut. Dark circles are visible under his eyes.

An alarm clock at the bedside strikes 7AM, and the radio bursts to life.

Radio Announcer (V.O.)

--- and that's your sports update for the hour.

And calling all slide-hards! Rumour has it the cast of The Sliders are coming back for a reunion, twenty years since the finale. No word yet on the real life Sliders themselves, but--

The announcer is interrupted by Mallory's hand pounding down upon the radio, turning it off.



No word, no chance.

Mallory yawns deeply and rubs his tired eyes. He looks like he never slept a wink. Notably, he wears a wedding band on his finger.

He rolls out of bed without grace, and stands up.

Groggy, he stumbles to the ensuite bathroom, stretching.

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Bathroom - Day

The bathroom is spacious and modern, with a large mirror and expensive fittings. Mallory is already stepping out of the shower, and a wave of steam fogs up the mirror.

As Mallory fastens the towel in place around his waist, he looks into the mirror at his reflection, and for a split second, the reflection looking back at him is the original Quinn Mallory.

Alarmed, he dashes toward the mirror and wipes away the condensation-- only to find his own, normal reflection.

Staring into his own eyes with intensity, he silently mouths: "What the f-?"


Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: dining room - Day

The dining room, once again, is large and beautiful, with a big bay window letting in the sunlight at one end, and a fireplace at the other, which isn't presently in use.

At the table sits a familiar face: It's Maggie Beckett, now a mature matriarch, wearing a wedding band to match Mallory's. Before her is a plate with some food scraps, and two cups of coffee.

She sips on one of the cups, wearing a smile on her face; a smile that suggests she has a secret, but it's mingled with a kind of joyfulness.

Mallory enters the room, a combination of nerves and exhaustion. He's now dressed in a neat shirt and jean ensemble, hair gelled to the nines.



Good morning!

She holds up a cup of coffee for him, and he grabs it and immediately takes a large swig.


How're you feeling?

Mallory shakes his head.


Godawful, as usual. It's getting worse, I think I'm startin' to hallucinate. I need to see a specialist.

He takes another long swig from the cup, and it's already empty by the time he pulls it away from his mouth.


Get the chauffeur to take you today. I don't think you should be driving like this.




Maybe I'll stay there.


You're not that tired, are you?

Mallory just gives her a look that says "maybe I am."

He leaves the room, and Maggie watches silently, a flicker of guilt in her eyes.

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Entryway - Day

The marble-clad entryway features a lavish grand staircase, high ceilings, and a glass chandelier.

Mallory heads for the door, but before he gets there, a call from above breaks his stride.



On the landing of the stairs stands Cole, the child of Mallory and Maggie.

Cole is a 19-year-old non-binary AMAB neuroscience student. She/They are dressed androgynously, with short mousy brown hair and a youthful face with the barest hint of facial hair detectable. Their eyes are a brilliant blue, just like the original Quinn.

Cole holds a large, unwieldy box of electronic equipment.


Umm, d'ya wanna be my guinea pig?

She shakes the box a little, letting the contents bounce on the sides noisily.


It's for class.

Mallory looks up at Cole in disdain.


Guinea pig?

He pauses, reflecting on the words he just repeated, then turns away.



Absolutely not.

He walks to the front door, and leaves the house.

Cole stands alone, perplexed and more than a little deflated.

Ext. [SW] Hospital - Day

A black limousine pulls into the emergency bay, and Mallory emerges.

He breathes the fresh air deeply, as if to prepare himself. He heads for the doors.

Int. [SW] Hospital Private Room - Day

As far as hospitals go, it's a nice room. Deep pockets paid for this room.

The medical equipment is offset by expensive décor to make the room look as little like a hospital ward as possible, while still functioning as one.

By the large window, a sofa, occupied by none other than Missus Amanda Mallory. Not the one from earlier; it's the original Earth Prime Missus Mallory. Despite being in hospital, she seems to be in good spirits, and doesn't show any obvious signs of illness. She holds a crossword puzzle book and pen, busily filling out squares, until:

A knock at the door startles her. She turns as Mallory enters the room.


Hey, Missus-- uh, M-mom.

Missus Mallory

You don't have to call me that, I told you.


I know, I know. How are you doing?

Missus Mallory


I'm not dead yet, so that's a start.

Missus Mallory pats the seat beside her.

Missus Mallory

Come on, sit.

Mallory does as he's told. He's stiff and doesn't know what to say.

Missus Mallory

I know we don't talk much, but I heard from Maggie recently and she wanted me to call you. So I did.


Maggie set this up?

Missus Mallory

You say that like you didn't want to come.


It's not that. It just feels weird to be around you, that's all.

Missus Mallory Chuckles.

Missus Mallory

Weird good, or weird bad?


Just... weird.

A moment of silence, as the two stare out the window.

Missus Mallory

Maggie says you've been tired a lot. You getting enough sleep?



More than enough. I'm in bed by seven thirty at night and sleep until seven in the morning. There's somethin' wrong with me.

Missus Mallory

Well, you're welcome to nap here any time you want.

Mallory leans into her, and his head slumps onto her shoulder.


Might just take you up on that.

Missus Mallory smiles at this, and puts her arm around him.

Missus Mallory

Thanks for just being here with me, Quinn.

The two close their eyes -- him to sleep, and her to imagine a different face resting on her shoulder.

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Dining Room - Night

The three residents - Maggie, Mallory, and Cole - are seated together at the table, with plates full of food. The fireplace is lit.

Cole eats with gusto, while simultaneously starting at their phone. Maggie holds off on eating, as she watches her husband eat expectantly.



Mallory looks up, a mouthful of food bulging his cheeks.

He quickly chews and swallows.


So what?


Jeez, you saw your Mom for the first time in three years and you won't even talk about it?


Not my Mom.

At this, Cole looks from one parent to the other, searching.


She doesn't see it that way, Mallory.

She gives him a look of contempt and frustration.


Look, I dunno! It was awkward, okay?

And... well, I fell asleep on her shoulder and when I woke up, visiting hours were over.

Maggie smiles at this.


Aww, that's kinda nice.


Yeah, okay. You try being the world's most exhausted guy and see how nice it is.

Cole, having stayed out of it until now, wipes their mouth with a napkin and pipes up.


You know, if you let me scan your brain, I might be able to pick up on what's wrong.

Maggie cracks a smile at this interjection, and glances at Mallory with a shrug.


Worth a shot. Cole's top of her class, you know.


Look, science experiments on me have tended to go... badly... in the past. I'd rather not.

Cole rolls their eyes.


It's a simple scan, not anything intrusive. Lots of people have undergone the procedure and lived to tell about it. Scout's honour!


Yeah, well, "lived to tell about it" is not exactly the measure you think it is.

Mallory yawns.


I'm done.

He collects his plate, and promptly exits the room.


I could really help him, Mom.


I know, sweetie.


And like, being a composite of two different people? There must be funky stuff going on in that brain, right? I'd love to see.



Maggie looks down, calculating.


I, uh, might be able to convince him some day. But it might have to be at a weird hour of the night.



Uh, okay...? Well I don't care what hour it is, as long as I can do it.


We'll have to see. If it happens some night, don't question it, just do it.

Maggie looks towards the fireplace, forlorn.

Cole just looks baffled by this exchange.



What are you hiding?

Maggie jumps at this sudden question.


I, uh... I don't think I'm ready to explain just yet. It's complicated.

She makes eye contact.


Just know that no matter how your Dad acts, he's still your Dad. Okay?

Cole responds to this with great puzzlement, and you can see the cogs turning in their mind.

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Master Bedroom - Night

The clock reads 7:21PM as Mallory, clad in boxer shorts, collapses into bed.

He sighs deeply as he pulls the covers over his body and buries his head into the pillow.


Fade to:

Int. [EDP] Mallory House: Basement - Day

On Mallory's face as his eyes flutter open to see not his familiar bedroom, but the Professor's reworked basement. Startled, he jumps to his feet. Adrenalin has overcome his sleepy demeanour.

Maggie sits on a stool by a monitor. She waves at him, sheepishly.


So... you're probably wondering where you are, huh?

End of act one

Act Two

Int. [EDP] Mallory House: Basement - Day

Mallory stares daggers at Maggie.


What the hell, Maggie?

He looks around him, taking in the room.


You... kidnapped me?

Maggie loses her smile, but it doesn't turn to malice.


Not exactly. You came here willingly. Sort of.


This is some kind of lab. Is this something to do with Cole's experiment?


No, I promise she has nothing to do with this. Swear to god.


Then what?!


Allow me to explain, Mister Mallory.

Mallory whips around to the stairs, where Arturo stands.


Who the hell... wait, I know you.


You do?


Yeah, the Professor, right? I've seen the TV show. You were there at the beginning.


Hmm, close enough. And yes, I was indeed there at the beginning. Not the impostor who usurped my position and left me stranded.

He gestures to the door.


Come now, we've much to discuss, and I'd rather do it over pot of tea than down here.

Mallory looks back at Maggie, who gives him a shrug and a half smile.

Int. [EDP] Mallory House: Kitchen - Day

The kitchen is not dramatically different from the 90s state it was in, just some updated furniture and appliances.

Mallory, Maggie, and Arturo sit at the table, which is set out with an English tea set.

Arturo takes the teapot and pours tea into three cups and saucers, distributing them to those present. As he does this, he talks.


Mister Mallory, I apologise for whisking you away like this.


So you did kidnap me.


On the contrary. It seems Ms. Beckett here has been keeping a secret from you.

Arturo looks pointedly at Maggie, who withers under his gaze.


And what secret would that be?


Uh... you sleepwalk?


Cut the crap, Maggie! I'm your husband, aren't I? Tell me the truth! What is this?

Maggie sighs, and steels herself.


Well, the truth is...

Quinn isn't gone.



What? Sure he is. The nanites--


-- didn't stop you from feeling a connection to your Mom!

Mallory processes this for a moment.


Okay, so... so there has to be more, right? How I ended up here?

Maggie exchanges an intense look with Arturo.

Flashback To: 8 Hours Ago

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Master Bedroom - Night

Maggie flips on her bedside lamp.

She's alone in the bed. Visible excitement fills her.

She jumps up from the bed in a hurry.

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Study - Night

The study looks like an ordinary study - mostly. Among the solid oak desk and bookshelves is strewn pieces of electronics, and hunched in a corner sits Mallory, wearing glasses, tinkering with a small device.

But it's not Mallory - Mallory isn't in the driver's seat. It's Quinn.

Maggie (O.S.)

Hey Quinn!

Maggie enters the lamplit room and strides over to Quinn. He glances up at her momentarily.

Mallory As Quinn


And he's looking down again.

Maggie glances at the clock on the wall, reading five past three.


In the purely technical sense.

Mallory As Quinn

You're in my light, can you please move over just a touch?

Maggie steps aside obligingly.

She nods towards the device in his hand.


You've been working on that thing for a while. What is it?

Mallory As Quinn

(still looking down)

Interdimensional beacon. I got it online a couple days ago, but looks like the circuits got fried sometime yesterday. Damn.

He rubs his eyes, still visibly tired, but handling it a little better than Mallory.



Mallory As Quinn

Transmits a signal to other worlds with coordinates leading back here.


Isn't that dangerous?

Mallory As Quinn


Could be, but--

He looks up at her.

Mallory As Quinn

--This world is safe from the Kromaggs, and I encrypted my message with a key that only my friends should be able to figure out.

If anyone's out there to receive it, that is.


Why not just rebuild the sliding machine?

Mallory As Quinn

Look Maggie, I only get a few hours a night, and I'm just as tired as he is. It's the best I can do right now.

The conversation is interrupted by a stately doorbell ringing.

Quinn and Maggie look at each other inquisitively.

Mallory As Quinn

(hesitant, perplexed)

Uh... you gonna get that?


Quinn, it's 3 in the morning.

Quinn looks down at his beacon, then back up at her, his face dawning with possibility.

Mallory As Quinn

I'll get it.

He puts down the device.

Int. [SW] Mallory Mansion: Entryway - Night

Quinn cautiously approaches the door, and squints through the peephole.

Startled, he jumps back. How could it be?

He swings open the door, to reveal Arturo.

Mallory As Quinn


Arturo steps inside, and carefully studies Mallory's unfamiliar face.



Apologies for the ungodly hour of my arrival. It was the earliest convenience, and I saw a light on.

Mallory As Quinn

H-How are you here?

He pulls out a notepad with some scribblings on it.


The people in town were happy to provide your address once they recognised who I was. Peculiar world, this.

Mallory As Quinn

That isn't what I meant...

The professor returns to closely looking at the face of Mallory.


Even more peculiar is what happened to you, Mister Mallory.

Maggie (O.S.)


The two men look towards the hall where Maggie has just emerged.


I'm sorry, madam, I don't believe we've met. You're Ms. Beckett, correct?

Mallory As Quinn

Wait, you have met her.


Arturo looks pointedly at him, waiting for the penny to drop.



Quinn snaps his fingers.

Mallory As Quinn

You're not the same Professor that died; you're a double!


Very good, Mister Mallory.

Quinn paces, full of adrenalin now.

Mallory As Quinn

Oh man, which one?
Are you one of the evil Professors? There really seemed to be a lot of them.


Now, now... I'd hesitate to say "evil." Reprehensible, perhaps.

But no, I was in fact replaced by one of the... lesser... versions of myself. You left me behind.

Mallory As Quinn


Wait, wait, wait, wait... you're kidding, right?

Quinn runs his fingers through his hair, still pacing, thinking about the implications.


Do you recall when you abandoned me, Mister Mallory? The world so alike to ours, yet slightly off in insignificant ways?

Quinn stops and stares at Arturo, as if searching.

Mallory As Quinn

We were so sure we had the right one. He was just like he ever was; no malice or - much - selfishness.


Are you still lying?

Arturo looks him dead in the eye.



Mister Mallory. Would that supplanting scoundrel have recognised the score to "Tears In My 'Fro?"


Well played on that encryption key, by the by.

Quinn laughs, a joyous laugh, then he pulls the Professor in for a hug.

From near the hall, Maggie watches - dumbstruck.


Now, my boy, I have only--

He pulls out a timer from his coat - a more modern, sleek design than the old ones, and looks down at it.


--four minutes remaining on this slide, so if we're to continue this reunion, you'll have to come back with me.

Quinn hesitates.


Of course, even while the algorithms within your message helped me to finally open a stable wormhole, I've had many years to vastly improve the surrounding technology.

I can control my slides. You will be back here by lunch, I guarantee it.

Quinn lights up, a mischievous grin creeping across his face.

Mallory As Quinn

Well, you know me. Can't resist an adventure.


I'm coming too. Someone's got to be there to soften the blow... when Mallory wakes up.

The professor takes in this statement with curiosity.


According to my research of this place, this Mallory fellow is supposed to be markedly different in personality and mannerisms from the Quinn I know. But so far I haven't found that to be the case. I gather this is... abnormal?

Maggie nods.

Mallory As Quinn

It's a long story. Tell you all about it after the slide.


The slide...

Maggie puts her hand to her mouth.


I can't believe we're going to slide again.

She can't contain her excitement.

Arturo checks the timer again.


Eight seconds.

Maggie grabs Quinn's hand, and they grin at one another.


Three... two... one.

He holds the timer out, and opens the vortex.


Come along, then.

Arturo disappears into the tunnel.

Quinn and Maggie, windswept and giddy, follow him.

End of Flashback

Int. [EDP] Mallory House: Kitchen - Day

Back in the present, Mallory silently sips on his tea, hand unsteady, trying to calm his nerves.

Maggie and Arturo watch him carefully.


So... that's how you ended up here. And there's an open path home.

Mallory takes a deep breath, trying to form the words. He evades eye contact, preferring to look down at the teacup.


How long has Quinn been doing this?


I'm not entirely sure, but it's been at least six months. That's when I found out, anyway.


That explains... a few things.

Maggie can't read his face.


The tiredness, obviously. But more than that.

Maggie... you've been so cheery in the morning, guess now I know it's 'cause you've been so happy to spend time with Quinn, right?



Well, it's just it's been over twenty years since he... went away. I'm not sure I can describe how it felt to get to talk to him again.


Why didn't you tell me?


He thought you'd have a bad reaction, fight him, try to get rid of him again. We agreed it would be a secret.

She picks up her tea cup and stares into it.


He did his best to let you get enough sleep. The deprivation affected him too. But in the last couple of weeks, he's really pushed it because of what he was working on, I guess.

A moment of silence, as Mallory comes to a realisation.


That visit to Missus Mallory wasn't for me, was it? It was for him.


It was for the both of you. I couldn't have known you were going to fall asleep there, now could I? Besides, the least you could do for a dying woman is let her see the one person she cares about.



Arturo has been silent all this time, but is quite suddenly frantic.


Yes, Quinn's mother... the one who raised him. She's on our world, and she's got some kind of terminal bone cancer.



I see. Perhaps this is pertinent information for the Amanda of this world as well.


You know her?


Know her? We're in her house! She's... well, my wife.






No way!


Well, I was left floundering there on her front lawn that night. We got to talking, one thing lead to another. You know how these things go. United in our grief and what have you.


Well, good for you, Professor.


I daresay, even better for her.

He gives Maggie an impish wink.



Can we go home?

Arturo and Maggie turn towards Mallory, who is staring into the distance.


Very well, my boy. Fortunately, when sliding from the machine here on this world, we can open a gateway at will. We can go at your leisure.


Then, let's go.


Mallory, wait.

Maggie takes his hand and stares him in the eye.



This is our chance.

She runs her fingers over his wedding band.

Mallory's eyes widen with realisation.


Professor, take us to Earth Prime.


You mean my home world? I'm afraid I haven't the coordinates for that, or I'd have gone there already.

Maggie and Mallory exchange a knowing look.


All right. For Remy.

Maggie and Mallory both remove their wedding bands. Engraved on the insides are two halves of the coordinates to Earth Prime.


Well I'll be.


Professor, the Earth you knew is not... like it once was.


Yes, those creatures, the Kromaggs. I did encounter them once during my time sliding. I read your world's literature about them with some horror.


We don't know just how much destruction they caused, but I can bet it was a lot. And they might still be there.


I see.

Still, it is my home.


And we need to find out if Remy survived. We promised him we'd find him again. If there's any reason to slide, it's that.

His graveness is broken by an aggressive yawn.

Int. [EDP] Mallory House: Basement - Day

Arturo punches in numbers on his computer and turns dials, moving about the room to different control panels. Maggie and Mallory stand near the stairs, watching him work.


You'll find this machine to be a sight more sophisticated than the toaster parts and duct tape of Mister Mallory's ramshackle creation in the nineties.

He pulls a large lever.


What he lacked in spare parts, he more than made up for in ingenuity. Still, he didn't have twenty-five years to perfect his quantum stabilisation modules.

Arturo picks up his timer, and points it towards the middle of the room.


Ladies first?

He presses a button, and the vortex opens, a shimmering blue and white.



Chivalry isn't dead after all, huh?

Despite herself, she dives into the tunnel without hesitation.

Arturo follows behind her, giving a quick glance back at Mallory before walking through the portal calmly.

Mallory blinks his tired eyes and shakes his body in an attempt to invigorate himself.


(wondering aloud)

I'm really awake, right?

And then he's gone, into the tunnel.

End of Act Two

Act Three

Int. [Earth Prime] Mallory House: Basement - Day

The vortex lights up a mess of a basement, looking like it had been looted and abandoned long ago. The equipment that once stood here is long gone.

Maggie falls out of the portal, smacking her face on the floor.


Ow, dammit!

Next comes Arturo, who carefully steps past her as if he was walking as normal.


My apologies, Ms. Beckett, I neglected to tell you that if you walk into the portal calmly, you'll exit just as calmly.

The way you flung yourself in there, it really just dropped you like a log, didn't it?

Mallory stumbles out, not gracefully, but also able to stay standing.


Huh. Smooth ride.


Thank you. Now come- let's scout the immediate area.

Maggie springs to her feet.


I'm an ex-soldier, let me take point.


I was going to say "ladies first..."

Maggie rolls her eyes, and heads towards the stairs. Arturo looks down at the timer.


We have thirty hours here. Let's make them count, shall we?

Ext. [Earth Prime] Street Outside Quinn's House - Day

The road is deserted - no humans or Kromaggs. Just abandoned houses and cars.

Maggie sticks her head out the front door, and looks around.


All quiet out here.


Not usually a good sign.

She moves out onto the porch, and surveys the area in more detail. Mallory and Arturo wander out behind her.

Mallory points to the abandoned vehicles lining the road.


I'll see if I can't hotwire one of these cars, if any still have usable batteries. We can look for signs of life further into town.





I'm not completely useless.

With that, he barrels off towards the street.

Arturo watches him for a moment, before turning back towards Maggie.


Something of an inferiority complex in that one.


Yeah, he tries to hide it, but... he always knew that when everyone looked at him, they were thinking about Quinn and comparing them. Even long after we stopped sliding.


To be completely honest, I don't know how or why he would reject the once-in-a-generation intellect that was gifted to him in Quinn.


Maybe he didn't do it by choice.

Arturo gazes out at the quiet expanse.


Ms. Beckett, which one of the two occupants of that body are you really married to?


I love them both, you know? In different ways. But in the end I married Mallory. That absolute goofball.


Then why do you still call him by his surname?

Maggie considers this for a moment.

Then, the reluctant roar of an engine.



Got it!

Maggie and Arturo share one last glance, and head towards the car.

Ext. [Earth Prime] Downtown San Francisco - Day

San Francisco is quite neglected. Vegetation is overgrown, and has reclaimed a decent amount of the structures. We still can't see any inhabitants yet.

The car snakes through the streets.

Int. [Earth Prime] Old Car - Day

The car backfires, among other loud noises and bumps, as the sliders reach the population centre - and there are indeed people here: run-down, haunted people, certainly- but they've survived.

In the driver's seat of the car sits Arturo, with Mallory and Maggie in the back.

Maggie's eyes are glued on the people from within the car.


People. They really survived.


Not too many by the look of it.


Have you spotted any Kromaggs?


No... None.

Maggie marvels, and covers her mouth in excitement.

Ext. [Earth Prime] Dominion Hotel Street Level - Day

The car pulls up to the kerb, and the three occupants get out.

Mallory looks around. The passers-by regard them with small amounts of interest - the clothes of the locals are more worse for wear, and many are repaired by hand.


So... do we just ask randomly?


No need.

Maggie is suddenly holding a smart phone, tapping away.


I just found an open Wi-Fi signal. Guess this world isn't entirely bereft. Let's search his name.

A few more taps, and...


Rembrandt Brown... musician... also known as "Typhoid Remy the Saviour" - oh my god! He really did it!


Is he alive, though?


Hang on...

She taps and swipes some more.


Brown performs weekly concerts at the Golden Gate Theater? Guys, that's present tense.

She taps again.


The next one is tomorrow night!

Mallory takes Maggie's free hand.


Have... have we found him?


I think we found him.

They just stare at each other in wonder for a moment.


Yes, I too am anxious to see my old friend. But unless we can find a phone number or address, we'll need to wait just over a day to see him.


I'll keep searching. I can't leave the Wi-Fi zone though.


Well, we're here in front of a hotel - shall we?

Int. [Earth Prime] Dominion Hotel Lobby - Day

The three enter the familiar hotel. It's worse for wear, but there are people coming and going.

Behind the counter is a female Clerk who looks slightly bored. The trio approaches.


Excuse me Madam, might you have a room for three travellers?

The woman shrugs and chuckles a little.


Like there would be a shortage of rooms.

She grabs a handful of keys from a bucket and dumps them on the counter.


Take your pick. Stay as long as you need, just return the key after.


How much?

The Clerk looks at him funny.


It's mutual aid. We don't charge for shelter, food, water, or any other human rights in this city. Just treat others right, help out if you can, and we're cool.

She eyes them with mild suspicion.


Just where do you come from, anyway?


We're... from Canada.


Seriously? That's weird, I always thought we got the idea from them.


Well, not... Quebec.



Oh, I'm so sorry. Well, welcome to California.

Int. [Earth Prime] Dominion Hotel: Suite - Night

Arturo and Maggie prepare for bed, while Mallory paces, looking positively haggard.


You're up past your bedtime.

Mallory grunts; he's frustrated. Angry.


I can't believe this place doesn't have coffee. How could coffee be extinct?


Mal, please. Get some rest.


Are you saying that for my wellbeing, or do you just want to see Quinn?


You're exhausted, you need actual sleep. Please.


Doesn't seem to matter how much I sleep, I'm tired all the same.

He's beyond reason now.


So you're just going to stay up forever, then?


I don't know! Just... stop talking to me. I can't deal with it right now.

He heads for the door.


Where are you going?


I need some fresh air.


Please don't get yourself in trouble, Mallory. You're not yourself.



I'll say.

He slams the door behind him.

Arturo and Maggie exchange concerned looks.

Ext. [Earth Prime] Dominion Hotel Street Level - Night

Mallory walks along the sidewalk in a haze.

Crossfade to:

Ext. [Earth Prime] Downtown San Francisco Street - Night

Mallory has no idea where he is, he just has to stay awake.

He bumps into a Pedestrian going the other way.


Hey man, you okay?

Mallory makes an incomprehensible gesture in response, then stumbles against the wall.


You're not okay. Are you on something?



No... no... just have to stay awake.

He shrugs - an exaggerated shrug - and chuckles.


Heh... He can't use me if I'm so tired I can't stand, right?

The Pedestrian regards him with a mixture of apprehension and pity.


All right then. Uh. You stay safe. If you decide to sleep after all, every one of these buildings has a couple of free beds, 'kay?

The Pedestrian backs away cautiously, and then continues on their way, looking back once to make sure Mallory isn't following them.

Fade to:

Ext. [Earth Prime] Golden Gate Park, San Francisco - Dawn

The first hint of sunlight bathes the park as a still-awake Mallory paces back and forth on the path. He's the only one around. It's silent except for his mutterings and footsteps.



Can't give up. Can't let him in. Stay awake. Can't let him win.

Quinn (O.S.)

You really don't have to do this, man.

Mallory whips around. Sitting on a bench - in fact the same bench Arturo was sitting on in the first scene - is Quinn.


How are you here?!


Mallory, you're severely sleep deprived - you're hallucinating, obviously.



You caused the deper... dep-ri-va-tion.


Sit down next to me and I'll make it better.


Yeah right, you'd like that, wouldn't you?


Well, yeah.

Mallory blows him off, and turns away.


You may be hallucinating my presence in the park, but my presence in your brain is real. I'm really talking to you.


Why'd you wait 'til now?


Frankly I was staying out of your way as much as possible. I know how much you hate me.

Quinn stretches and looks up at the sky.


But you're kind of having a breakdown, so it's probably in my best interest to get involved now.


All this time, I thought you were gone. How are you still there?


Well those nanites did a number on me, sure. They did a great job at quarantining my mind away from yours. But they didn't consume me like you thought. I was just... trapped.

Mallory finally stops standing, and collapses on the grass.


What do you mean, trapped?


I was just a passenger. I had to endure watching you living your life, while I was unable to communicate with you or the outside world.


(more alert now)

What changed? How are you able to now?


Well, I can tell you it wasn't easy. Years upon years of chipping away at my prison from within.

I had a lot of time to think, at least. And learn about the nature of my existence.


So then, what are you now?


Well, you got all my body parts -you're welcome, by the way - so now I'm just a disembodied brain.


Hmph. Just like Wade.


But my brain is still... braining, right?


Yes. We share the brain; just different areas. There's plenty of brain to go around for the both of us, turns out. You'd know that by now if you'd let our kid do a scan.

Quinn stands up from the seat, and walks towards Mallory.


Cole's got my eyes, you know.

He leans over, and places a hand on Mallory's shoulder.

This startles Mallory, and he instinctively moves his own hand to his shoulder. He touches Quinn's hand and arm in alarm.


I didn't expect to actually feel your hand there. Pretty realistic hallucination.


Actually, this is a dream now. You fell asleep right after you sat down.




Don't worry, I'm not taking over this time. You need the rest.


So what now? Seems we're at an impasse.


What do you want me to say?

"This brain ain't big enough for the both of us?"

Mallory smirks.


You have the upper hand. I merely found a line of communication and made a desperate plea to my friends. It's really up to you what happens next.


You talk as if I'm your prison guard or something. You know I've tried to separate us, and it didn't work.


I know. But you have to admit you haven't provided the most comfortable environment to exist in. This wasn't my fault either, you know.

Mallory rises to his feet and meets Quinn's cool gaze.


Jeez, I'm sorry I didn't want to lose my sense of self!


(finally worked up)

It's not just about you, okay?! I also have a sense of self that you were all too happy to throw in the trash!

Quinn moves in so close that the two men's faces are nearly touching.


Maybe some simple sharing could have saved us both this crap.

After a beat, Quinn backs away.



Is that possible?





Quinn considers this, mind racing.

Int. [Earth Prime] Dominion Hotel: Suite - Day

Arturo awakens to Maggie's urgent prodding.


Professor, wake up!

Mallory never came back.

Arturo moans; he's never been as frail-looking as he is now, waking up in the morning. He's showing every year of his age.


That blasted idiot.

He gets up, with difficulty, and hobbles toward the window.


Well, we have the day to find him. He couldn't have gone too far in that languid state.


You're right. The people here seem pretty friendly, so let's ask around.

Mallory (O.S.)

No need.

Mallory, haggard but unharmed, stumbles into the room.



She rushes over to him, and catches him as he threatens to lose balance.


Are you okay? Have you been awake all night?


Not all of it.


What happened to you?


Nothing... just got some perspective is all.

I'm going to bed.

He shambles to the nearest bed, and collapses onto it.


Wake me in time for the concert, okay?

Arturo and Maggie exchange confused looks, and then look back down at Mallory, who's already asleep again.

Ext. [Earth Prime] Remote Cabin: Front Yard - Day

Deep in the woods, a rustic cabin sits solitary, a single dirt road leading to the simple abode. In the front, a tree stump with a small log.

An axe slams down on the log, splitting in in two.

A black man's hand places the next log on the stump.

As the axe swings down again, a small car comes up the dirt road.

We see a silhouette of the man watching the car arrive, and park. He wipes his brow, but we still can't see his face.

From the car, a woman steps out: it's Kelly Welles, the sister of Wade; a face we haven't seen in a long time.

She hurries around to the trunk of the car, and retrieves several bags of groceries and supplies.


Hey, I got most of what you asked. They didn't have any beef though, so I got you insect patties.

She approaches the man, still unseen.


You don't have to make that face. It's pretty good these days, you know.

Rembrandt Brown accepts the bags with a cringe. He has grey hair now, and a beard. Despite his rustic environment, his hair looks well maintained.


Yeah, well, if I was meant to eat ants I woulda been born an anteater.

Thanks, Kelly.

Fade To Black.

End Of Act Three

In this fic series: