Quinntum Leap Title

Part 5: Suspicions

5.10  ·  A Lot to Process

Tom leaned forward. “In light of the information we just shared, I really think it’s best you tell us what you’re doing here, Sam,” he said, looking at John with concern.

John glanced at Maggie, whose mouth was tightened into a straight line, then back at Tom. “I, uh, might need to make a phone call before I know how much I can divulge to you.”

He stood, pulling his phone from his pocket.

Tom nodded. “That’s fair.”

Wishing Al would return, John pretended to dial a number, and held the phone to his ear, wandering off to the other side of the park to buy some time.

As he carried on a fake conversation, he looked back at the picnic table, where Maggie seemed to be arguing with Tom. He recalled the conversation he’d had with the combined Maggies way back when they’d first met, and how neither seemed to have any affection towards their father.

What happened between them?

He could only imagine that Tom’s harsh parenting style was influenced by life experiences, and perhaps he’d taken the wrong message from the ‘traditional values’ instilled in him by his Dad, assuming John’s and Sam’s upbringings were similar enough.

Whatever the case, it seemed clear that his stern fathering had not had the intended effect on either Maggie or Sherri.

Tom might never have the chance to reconcile with Sherri, not now. Probably not even if we change history and she survives.

John watched the two, hearing raised voices, and then Maggie turned tail and stormed away from the table.

Maybe there’s still a chance to bring those two peace, at least.

A glowing white door opened up, and John breathed a sigh of relief.

Al stepped inside, and then, to John’s great surprise, Sam also appeared in the doorway.

“Sam? Huh, fascinating…” he said, as he pieced together the possible reasons he could see Sam.

I already know my brainwaves exist on the neural pathway between Al and Sam. I must be able to see both ends of that path.

“Came as soon as I heard. Where’s Tom?” asked Sam. John nodded toward the table, and Sam turned to gaze on his brother.

Al approached, pressing buttons on his garish handlink. “Sam’s pushing pretty hard to bring Tom in on our little secret.”

“I certainly wouldn’t be against that,” John said. “I don’t like lying to my… Sam’s brother.”

“We’re in a ‘trust nobody’ situation and the two of you wanna trust two more guys?” Al dragged a hand over his face. “Aiyee, one Sam was enough of a pain, now I gotta deal with two?”

Sam turned back to John and Al. “We need to share what we know, Al. And the only way to do that is to come clean about at least some of the out-there stuff.”

He hesitated, looking at his feet. “Besides, I don’t want to leap again, maybe for good, and leave my family in the dark about what I’m doing.”

He looked up at Al, a pained expression on his face. “Please…”

John joined Sam in pleading. “Tom has basically already put two and two together with that Magic guy. So… please…?”

Al looked back and forth at the two Sams. “Dammit, how am I supposed to say ‘no’ to two sets of puppy dog eyes?”

He pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head in resignation. “Okay, okay. Only if you agree to let me tell Beth everything.”

Sam grinned. “I thought you already had, to be honest.”

Al gave him a look of guilt. “Yeah, okay. I did.”

“Well then, it’s decided!” Sam turned to John. “Don’t say anything I wouldn’t say.”

He winked, and John chuckled. “Where’s the fun in that?”

But, John knew what he’d meant: he didn’t want him to reveal the kinds of details that would compromise security, a crucial factor in the current climate.

Finally pulling the phone away from his face, he trotted over to the picnic table. He locked eyes with Sammy Jo.

“Looks like these two are getting clearance to know about the Project,” he said. She looked at him with wide eyes.

“If that’s what Doc— uh, you, and Admiral Calavicci have decided,” she said nervously.

John sat down, clasping his hands. “Okay, you two were telling me before that your stories would sound crazy? Well, just you wait.”

*          *          *

As John concluded his summary of the situation, he noticed Sam pulling out his cell phone, and dialling a number.

Tom’s phone began to ring.

“That’ll be Sam,” John said with confidence. As Tom checked the caller ID, he looked up at John in amazement, then answered.


“So, what do you think?” Sam asked, looking down at him.

Tom blinked a couple of times as he tried to process the notion that John was not, in fact, Sam. “I… I think I need to go to New Mexico and see you,” he replied, voice slow and flat.

“But what about the Senator?”

“Uh, well, we definitely need to look for that – what do you call it?”

“Short range EMP device.”

“Right. That will be a key piece of evidence for our findings.”

As Tom and Sam continued their conversation, John glimpsed Maggie, pacing in the distance. He stood, and headed towards her.

“Good news,” he said, as he came into her earshot. She looked at him inquisitively.

“Good news? Is he leaving?”

John frowned. “Tom? No.”

Maggie rolled her eyes. “Of course not.”

John deflated. “The good news is that Sam and Al gave me the go-ahead to brief them on our situation, and Sam’s work. We don’t have to pretend any longer.”

“So he knows I’m not Sherri?”

John bit his lip. “Not yet. Thought you might prefer to tell him.”

Maggie’s hopeful look soured. “If I must.”

John put a hand on her shoulder. “Maggie, listen. This is an opportunity for both of you.”

Maggie gave him a sceptical look.

“I’m serious! Think about it. You never got closure with your father, he never got closure with Sherri, but maybe you can at least attain some closure with one another.”

Maggie looked over at her father’s double, who still talked on the phone, and took a deep breath.

“Well, I can’t promise we can work things out, but I’ll try. For Sherri.”

John smiled, blinking back tears. “Thank you.”

Maggie looked at his emotional state for a moment, before drawing him into a hug.

“I love you, Uncle Sam,” she said into his ear.

“Nobody’s ever called me ‘Uncle Sam’ before,” he murmured. Sherri certainly had never done so; he was a few years younger than her, and she called him by a different name altogether, so it was almost alien hearing Maggie call him that.

Maggie pulled back, meeting his eye. “Well, my Uncle Sam’s gone, and your niece Maggie never existed, so we might as well fill the familial void with each other, right?”

John wiped the salt water from his eyes. “I’d like that.”

He turned back towards the picnic table, to see Sam beckoning.

“Come on,” he told Maggie, and they walked back to the table together.

Sam stepped toward them. “I gotta go. Lots of work still to do.”

John nodded. “Story of our lives, huh?”

Sam smirked. “I’ve given a few more key details to Tom. They might end up following you back to New Mexico.”

He looked back fondly at his brother. “Bear with him… he has a lot to process.”

John ran a nervous hand through his hair. “Yeah. Me too.”

Sam gave him an understanding nod. “I know. Thanks for standing in for me, buddy.”

And with that, he disappeared into the glowing doorway, leaving Al alone in the Imaging Chamber.

John’s eyes moved between Tom and Magic, and he noted that they were both looking at him with creased brows, as if they were trying to understand what he was.

“So,” he said, feeling awkward, “it’s nice to properly meet you both. Call me John.”

Maggie stepped forward. “So, are you guys maybe interested in hearing about how I’m also from a parallel Earth? Because it’s quite the story.”

Tom’s mouth fell open. “Uh… what did you just say?”

Maggie gave him a smirk.

“Oh! Did I just cause the great General Thomas Beckett to be lost for words?” She grinned. “Must be my lucky day.”

Tom tilted his head. “…General?”

Maggie put a hand on her hip. “You’re not an Air Force General?”

Tom stared at her for a moment, before shaking his head. “You’re… really not my daughter, are you? I’m a Captain in the Navy.”

“You’re kidding…” Maggie stifled a laugh, and gave him a salute. “Well then, Air Force Captain Maggie Beckett at your service.”

Current Chapter: 5.10